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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. It's a link to a helpful thread with links to many of the best rod threads, including a few reel threads.
  2. Anyone else planning on fishing in the 30-50 mile per hour wind today?
  3. Wow, those are some monster white bass, and good eating to! At first I thought they were small wipers.
  4. Welcome to the forums, your in a great area for bass fishing!
  5. Power fishing isn't about just a couple lures, it's a technique that you can use many different baits for.
  6. Read all of the bassresource articles and watch all of the videos. And a good youtuber to watch is our own Glenn May.
  7. Don't toss them on shore, that would be wasting the fish, in stead you should eat them. Small bass actually taste really good, kind of like big bluegill. Another thing is that if you want to stay legal, you should probably check the regulations. If it's like indiana, it's not, even though if the lake already has bass it wouldn't hurt anything. Not that I know anything about such activities of course. ?
  8. Wow, that's a lot warmer than up here. Are the bass spawning or have they already finished?
  9. Thanks. I'm not sure how didn't see that.
  10. I looked through my profile like the forum faqs said, but couldn't find where to add a quote. How do I add it?
  11. Braid scissors, but unfortunately i can't remember what brand they are. I have used them 4-5 days a week for years and they still work great, even cutting limp braid with ease. I agree that the rapala scissors don't last very long, the ones I tried got dull after only five or six trips.
  12. No, sorry. I was just checking wether you guys would actually take it seriously. Everyone, except for you and a couple other guys, seems to think I am insane for even thinking about doing some of the things i've suggested. I know it would be easier to just buy a lee melting pot, but I am extremely tight on money right now, so I was trying to save the thirty five bucks.
  13. The lightning rods are great for reaction baits like spinnerbaits and traps. Check FFO out, they usually have a couple for 18$.
  14. Ask him if he wants to go fishing, many people don't have the tackle, or just don't know how to catch fish. You might just gain a fishing friend in the process.
  15. Yes it is normal for the bass to move off there beds after a cold front. Unless they are done spawning, they should start coming back on the beds after about two or three days. And keep using that Ned rig, it catches a ton of fish. One thing you could try if the bass get back on there beds and they are picking up the tail of the trd, is to take a small treble hook and tie a two or three inch segment of line to it. Then tie the other end of the line to a small hook or needle and thread it through the back end of the trd and out the side where the bend of the jighead hook is. Then just cut the line off the needle and tie it to the bend of the jigheads hook. And to finish, push the treble into the back end of the trd so that everything between the eye and the bend of the hook is inside the trd. The way it should look now is there is line tied to the jighead and going through the trd to the back end, and then tied to the small treble, which is pushed into the hole created by the needle. Now it's not physically possible for the bass to pick the bait up without having at least one hook in its mouth.
  16. You only removed 90? I would recommend keeping every bass under 10 or 11 inches until you start to see an increase in the size. Another bonus of keeping the little guys is that when the bass are small they actually taste pretty good, kind of like a big bluegill. You also might want to purchase some (a lot) of forage fish, as the fish in your pond sound like they are stunted from lack of food.
  17. Do you fill the deep fryers with oil, or do you leave them empty? I would imagine that empty would be better.
  18. I heard that you caught two six pounders and a four last Friday. That doesn't seem to isolated.?
  19. Get the avid x, it is the best rod in that price range period. Besides making some all around awesome rods, st. Croix has great customer service. If, God forebid, your rod breaks they will take care of you.
  20. Yes, crappie and bluegill are totally ok to post. If you are asking about them specifically, just put it in the other fish species forum. But I think since this is more of a fishing report, it is already in the right forum.
  21. Looks like it would work great for punching.
  22. That's a great paint job, I wish someone sold a color like that.
  23. I have never actually made or used one, but I highly dought how effective they would be.
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