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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. Anyone else want to vote for having a free spool of tatsu flouro as a reward for completing the next survey? I guarantee that seagare would get much more feed back, so it's a win win situation.
  2. I don't remember the last time I got completely skunked. Whenever there is any threat of a skunk, and often before that, I just pick up the Ned rig. And on the rare occasion that the Ned rig strikes out, I just switch to crappie or white bass and clean up on them.
  3. Try a chatterbait with a paddle tail trailer, it puts out more than enough noise, vibration, and pushes quite a bit of water. Another good option is a bulky black and blue jig hopped and dragged across the bottom.
  4. I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the positive replies, where I live if you mention that your using a spinner people will just roll there eyes and mark you as a beginner.
  5. The inline spinner is definitely the most effective multi species lure, I have personally caught nine different species of fish on it. I doubt it was created specifically for trout, I think it was probably just made to catch fish. It's not often mentioned on this site because it's somewhat considered a beginner's lure, even though there are a number of people that use it, they usually don't talk about it for fear of ridicule.
  6. Are you asking what are top ten best hard/soft lures and rods are, or what ten lures and rods are most used in mlf tournament's? A little more information would make it easier to answer your question. And just fyi, this topic should probably be put in the tournament's forum.
  7. It's no different fishing from a john boat versus boat for rod length, the only problem with using a longer rod is the increased chance of hooking your fishing buddy, and higher chance of him becoming your former fishing buddy.
  8. Many people actually find that using live bait makes it harder to catch bass, mostly because it makes it nearly impossible to cover water. Another thing is, bass often are feeding on something that can't be bought at a bait store, like invertebrates and bluegill. And if the water is muddy, a live minnow sitting under a float just doesn't stimulate enough of the basses senses for them to find it, a spinnerbait would be much better in that situation.
  9. It's called a hula stickz.
  10. Ned rig, chatterbait, rattletrap, and maybe a spinnerbait.
  11. They have exceptional customer service and will certainly fix or replace the rod if the fault lies with them. Unfortunately, from your description I am guessing it was accidentally shut the tip in the door or something. And I agree with s sass that it would be much easier to just purchase a Fuji tip replacement kit, I have had to use it on nearly half of the rods I own.
  12. You can still take a 'selfie' with the fish, although the pictures don't look as good, at least that way the fish don't have all there protective slime scraped off.
  13. It's typical for the bass to bite better in the afternoon during early spring once the sun warms up the lake a few degrees. However, once the water temperature is into the low sixties the water temperature is in the basses "comfort zone" and there are only two things on there mind now, eating and spawning.
  14. My dad fell off the boat three weeks ago into 47 degree water, he wasn't wearing a pfd but luckily he is a certified life guard from youper land where water in the mid fifties is considered warm, so the shock wasn't as bad as it would have been otherwise. Kind of freaked my brother and I out though cause he was under water for what seemed like an eternity, he fell over while lifting the anchor into the boat and when he fell off the rope was rapped around his hand and dragged him thirteen feet down to the bottom. Luckily we only lost a cheap combo that the loose rope on the deck got tangled around when he fell over, and not his life.
  15. If I had a driver's license, I would pick the "massive bass in a bucket lake" and probably find out they weren't as easy to catch as it looks!
  16. Go fishing! One of my top three best fishing trips was when the air is 25 degrees and sleeting, I had to break through ice with my canoe that day. Just slow down and you can always catch fish.
  17. It was just to good to not share, most people don't read signatures.
  18. It kinda looks like anything and everything. Here's a good quote from the late great Tony Dean (courtesy of T-9). "If you've come around to realize that the exact imitation isn't nearly as important as coming up with something that kinda looks like the real thing and put it where it should go, you've pretty much figured out what it takes to be called a good fisherman."
  19. Try the Ned rig, it doesn't catch very many but it catches the biggest fish in the area. And I'm not the only one who uses the Ned rig to catch huge trout, there's an Midwest finesse article on bass fishing for trout. I also have seen videos of bluebasser catching some very nice trout on the Ned rig.
  20. That's how I make mine. All you need is a five gallon bucket, some trash bags, some concrete mix, some rope, A couple of straight plastic pipes at least four feet long, and a role of plastic tubing with about a two or three foot diameter. Step #1. Put trash bag in the bucket, this is so you don't have to sink the bucket. Step #2. Pour about eight inches of concrete in. Step #3. Cut each coil of tubing into two pieces, so that there are a bunch of half circles of tubing. The algae grows faster if the tubing is roughed up with sandpaper before. Step #4. Drill a long screw through the base of each section of piping, this makes it so they don't just slip out of the concrete. Step #5. Insert about fifteen of the curved sections of tubing into the concrete, spreading them out evenly. Step #6. Insert the straight tubes into the middle of the bucket. Step #7. take a foot long section of rope and coil it into a circle and stick it into the concrete, this way you can loop a longer rope through it and slowly lower it to the bottom. Another way to do it is to simply buy a plastic tree from goodwill and tie a concrete block to it.
  21. But, once I finally got through the ice we actually caught quite a few bluegill and white bass after not catching anything for nearly a month, so it was worth it.
  22. It is so annoying how the weather keeps bouncing back and forth between fourth degrees and seventy degrees. And the cold fronts that seem to come every third day isn't exactly helping the fishing. But, I guess it's still better than during the winter when I had to break through a half a mile of one inch thick ice in a canoe with aluminum sheets attached to the bow so the ice didn't cut through it, just to get to some open water!
  23. Fished for about an hour last night, only got five but they were a little better quality. I started out fishing coves where I had been catching them, but only caught one eight inch dinks. So I moved out to the rip rap point next to the cove and found the concentration of good bass(15-17 inchers). All of the bass, except for the little one, where caught on the trd fished with the swim glide and shake retrieve in four to eight feet of water on the rip rap point.
  24. Fishing factory outlet and manventure outpost.
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