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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. Just got back from a trip to see family in Nebraska and Colorado, and of course I couldn't leave my rod home. Got some bass out of a Nebraska strip pit on jerkbaits, but nothing real noteworthy. Colorado was a different story, we got on some giant rainbow trout and average sized kokanee salmon, and I even caught my first golden trout. The golden trout was only 13 inches long, but was fluorescent bright orange and gold with a vivid pink strip lengthwise through it's center. Prettiest fish that I have ever caught. We caught 9 rainbow trout in total, the two outlying smaller trout measured about 10-13 inches and the rest in the 20-25 inch range. The two kokanees were about 23 inches long each, but we didn't measure them. Caught them all on a drop shotted 3" chunks of nightcrawlers, fished along the dam of a sand pit used for drinking water storage. It's always fun to catch different species, especially with fish that fight as hard on light tackle as big trout and kokanee do, plus those kokanee and some of the trout smoked up real nice the next day
  2. Same for the last couple years, and every year people think it will be great, only to realize it isn't. Still good deals on seaguar, trokar, and Rico's though.
  3. My bet's on a small bucktail hair jig
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone. Where is rich's article?
  5. Oops, I thought he said trapper hooks, partly cause that's whats on sale today for another sites 25 days of Christmas sales and I got them and tw mixed up. I've used trokar before, and like them in some situations but not others.
  6. I've been using the 4.5" robos, and I can't even get them to sit anywhere near horizontal when on a slack line. Almost perfectly vertical when held still. Maybe I have the technique wrong.
  7. If you guys like the faster, newer country https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=kick+the+dust+up+luke+bryant+Full+Song&&view=detail&mid=F896247F3E9A8C4F621BF896247F3E9A8C4F621B&FORM=VRDGAR Or https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6l3ukWqRU4s I also like Garth brooks Pure Adrenaline, but I can't find it on YouTube. Top two pop songs would probably be https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=moves+like+jagger+lyrics&view=detail&mid=3E51BBC6E9131D59721F3E51BBC6E9131D59721F&FORM=VIRE and https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hey+hey+hallelujah+lyrics&&view=detail&mid=63B332220B6EC52B8FBA63B332220B6EC52B8FBA&&FORM=VDRVRV
  8. Anybody use these yet?
  9. I've been playing around with the drop shot a lot more lately, using either a #2 standout drop shot hook or a #1 gamakatsu finesse wide gap. Mostly been using 4.5" robo worms. My question is, how do you get the worm to stand out roughly horizontally to the bottom when it is on a slack line? I can't think of how that could be done, but everyone is always talking about making sure to fish it on a slack line and to make sure the bait stands out from the line. They always just dangle straight down when on a slack line for me.
  10. Quick question, what do you guys think of putting one ewg style treble hook on the front of a crankbait and a round bend on the back? Would you get some of the best of the holding power of ewgs but also hook most of the fish that slap at your bait with the round bend, or would it be the worst of both worlds?
  11. Bellicheck after the game today, lol. The "interview" went something like this-reporter "what happened tonight with going 0-9 on 3rd downs tonight?" Bellicheck "(unintelligible mumbling with death stare in reporters direction)" after an awkward silence, "what do you think about being 7-9 against the dolphins?" Bellicheck "I don't really care about what happened two weeks ago and I do not care about what happened 5 years ago, I look at games from a game-to-game basis" (with a death glare hard enough to break steel in the direction of the reporter). Another awkward silence. "What happened with the onside kick?". Bellicheck " They recovered it". There were also several other questions that were answered by unintelligible mumblings as Bill kept back the replies he wanted to tell them, and more death stares.
  12. I actually find that bass eat most baits (jerkbaits less so), but especially soft plastics and jigs, and don't readily let go on most days. They can and sometimes do spit in a fraction of a second, but often times they will refuse to let go even if you try to shake them off. Depends on the day and individual fish though.
  13. Just make sure to replace the lower unit oil and check it to ensure there is no or little water leaking into it. I don't even find it necessary to fog the motor, and I have yet to have any issues caused by freezing water. My "winterizing" is really just the regular maintenance of replacing the lower unit oil, there isn't any real need to fog it or anything IMO.
  14. I prefer the blade bait in winter, simply because they cast farther and sink faster than lipless cranks. Plus they make less noise (unless using a silent lipless like the damiki tremor) and have a tighter vibration usually.
  15. 5xd and the little john baby dd.
  16. I tried it, and liked the concept, but I couldn't get enough resistance from the two bobber stops to get a good hookset. Could be the bobber stops is was using were not strong enough though.
  17. Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Still going to work on it a little longer though..
  18. Glad to see I'm not the only person to break a rod on the cleats... One of the more stupid ways that i've broken rods.
  19. First, light tackle is fun. That's a big reason I fish finesse so much. But, bass fishing tackle is designed for fishing where bass live and for setting the thick hooks sometimes required to get the bass out of the thick stuff. Not necessarily for the fish itself, but more for the where we fish and what we fish with.
  20. There's some advantages to knowing exactly what each other are talking about when no-one else does. Sorry guys
  21. Legal or illegal to release, those darn fish can be awful slippery. Just sayin. BTW, they have never been proven to damage bass populations and are very powerful fighters. More than qualifies them for being a "good" gamefish in my book.
  22. Seaguar apparel is 30% off, use code Holiday30
  23. Spike-it is the only one I've tried, and it didn't melt them. It only had significant effect on lighter colors though.
  24. Exactly 5.18 pounds...
  25. If you want to stick with the basspro jerkbait, then I'd recommend what @smalljaw suggested. I used to own one of those jerkbaits though and never did well on it, I'd personally be done with it and splurge on a mb vision 110. No messing with hooks to make it suspend out of package (aside from slight differences due to water temperature extremes) and they are fish catchers. Mine has already caught in the neighborhood of 400 bass, including 3 of my top 5 biggest bass, in the last 2 months. Several hundred more last year on the vision to.
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