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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. You got over 100 bass on a big glide bait?! Wow, with a ned rig I can see doing that but not with a big shine glide.
  2. Here's a link to the ned rig posts https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/166689-the-ned-rig-resource/ It may be deleted from here, but can still be found by a google search.
  3. Has anyone had any experiences with the Berkley E-motion rods, specifically the 6'9" spinning rod designed for light cranks?
  4. I was looking at the amp series, does the saltwater series have a different blank than the freshwater series? The saltwater rod is labeled moderate, but I wasn't sure if it was even a different blank. I'm still hung up on the moderate action, last time I bought a supposed moderate fast for cranks and it fished like a fast action rod.
  5. The time a bullhead's barb managed to go in one side of my hand (the fleshy part between the finger bones in my hand) and out the other side. It burned like nothing else I have ever felt before.
  6. Anyone use the Barkley E-motion rods? I found one for 60$.
  7. Huh, I can't seem to walk my pop-rs very well at all. I can a little, but not very well and certainly not as well as my pop x. That said pop-rs are great poppers, I use them for fishing around targets, and my pop x is better at fishing an area.
  8. Thanks for all of the info, so the regular lightning rods are faster than rated? The combo is rated moderate fast just like the lightning shock rod.
  9. What do you think of the regular lightning rod 7' medium power medium fast action combo? Berkeley has the combo on sale for 42$.
  10. About 80% spinning and 20% casting.
  11. I would mostly be throwing bandit 100s, big o's, #5 shad raps, kvd 1.0 square bills, all baits around 1/4-3/8 ounce.
  12. What is the action? It doesn't list the action online.
  13. Caught another 36 in three and a half hours yesterday. Caught about twenty of them on the whopper plopper while it was still cloudy, and the rest on a shallow shad rap. I decided to try the shad rap when I was throwing the plopper over a bar sticking out from the side of a point, which comes up from 22 feet to 7-8 feet on top of the bar. Had a bass come up behind the plopper and just swirl underneath it four casts in a row, so I picked up the shallow shad rap (there was a patch of weeds I was fishing over that topped out at three feet beneath the surface) and threw it back to to it. Turns out they just wanted something a few feet down instead of on top. Caught the other 16 or so fishing the shad rap just above the grass, ticking it occasionally. 11 keepers, with the best five weighing 13-14 pounds. Water temperature is up to 70 here, and the water clarity is about a foot and a half.
  14. I'm looking for a spinning rod with a moderate action for lite crankbaits, for under $60. I would like to make sure its actually a moderate action rod, last time I bought a rod labeled moderate, it turned out to be a fast action rod that had been mislabeled online. The two I'm looking at right now are the Berkeley e-motion rod and the falcon HD spinning rod, but am open to any suggestions. If l.b.f carries them I can go up to 75$ cause of the 20% off sales, or $70 if its from tw.
  15. Dem Yoopers (or trolls, but we don't like talkn bout dem) like dere meat and tators wit their beer! My family is from the UP of Michigan also. Love it up there, but the people are what the rest of the country would call goobers.
  16. No, unfortunately the sale only applies to the 90 size.
  17. Lunkerhunt frogs are buy 1 get 1 free at Dick's, and Dick's also has whopper ploppers on sale for 10$ each when you buy two or more.
  18. The water is up to 67 down here, but it had got as low as 54 last week.
  19. A huge variety of conditions and variables, we only understand a few of the triggers and there are still to many to list here. We don't completely know what makes a bass become active or inactive, but there are a few general rules of thumb. For the first 3-5 days after a cold front moves through, bass will likely be inactive and in deeper water/closer to cover. Immediately preceding the front the bass will be extremely active. The more cloud cover/wind/rain or any weather condition that reduces the amount of light penetration tends to make bass more active. Time of year also playes a huge role in activity level, in the prespawn bass are very active, spawn less so, post spawn active, summer neutral, early fall and mid fall active, late fall ranging between inactive and active, and winter inactive. These are just a few very general factors, there are many more. Bottom line is that younhave to make an educated guess as to their activity level, then experiment on the water with an open mind.
  20. They're a great bait when you think a buzzbait would work, but the buzzbait is just a little to fast. They are pricey, but you shouldn't ever lose a plopper since they are a topwater. I more readily invest in more expensive topwaters than other baits because i should have them for a very long time. A loon colored 90 and 130 is all you really need, no sense in buying multiple colors off the bat.
  21. Had a blast catching bass on topwaters this afternoon. Caught 25 bass in two hours, and fourteen were keepers with the best five weighing 12-13 pounds. Also caught my first smallie of the year out of this lake, a nice 18.5 incher on the whopper plopper 90. Most of the fish were caught on the whopper plopper 90, some on the pop x, and a few on half of a zinkerz used as a follow up bait. All shallow today, in less than 6 feet of water around points and inside small coves. Love it when I can put the trolling motor down and cover a ton of water with the plopper, with plenty of nice bass blowing up on it.
  22. After fishing for a while you get a feel for if a bass is on a particular piece of cover and where it is, you just get that undescribable feeling that a bass is sitting there. No way of learning it besides through experience. Sometimes a bass will dash 5' out from underneath a tree to attack you lure, but many times you have to go in after him. The size of the "strike zone" depends on the conditions, and has to be experimented with on the water. If I think multiple bass are on a piece of cover, I typically fish the edges of it before hitting the center to avoid spooking all of the bass if a fish is hooked. There is no one best lure for fishing fallen trees, but jigs and square bills are good places to start.
  23. I would actually suggest a shorter, stiffer rod for trolling. Stiffer rods allow the crankbait to bounce off of timber and rocks better in addition to losing less fish. Any baitcasting reel will work, my trolling combo is a 5' heavy powered old pike trolling rod matched with a Penn reel. Over fifty years old, and it still gets the job done. Your also going to want to step up you line to 15-20 pound test for trolling also, depending bon how much brush and junk you are fishing in. If you really what to learn how to to troll (or become a good bass fisherman) I would highly recommend reading the book Spoonpugging by buck perry. It details how to find and consistently catch bass, using both casting and trolling. Best fishing book period IMO.
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