Sorry it took so long to get the state championship tournament on Monroe report in, I was busy catching big bass and pike up in Michigan.
It was last week on Sunday. On tournament morning we idled off in a blaze of glory (we launched from a ramp next to a causeway in the nowake zone), always rather anticlimactic when your adrenaline's going. Started out throwing topwater around the causeway and picked up a nice three pound even keeper on a frog, nice to get that first fish in the boat early. Caught a dozen or so short fish along the causeway on assorted topwater and shallow cranks, no more keepers.
Went upriver to some spots we found in prefishing, caught about two dozen short 12-13.75 inch fish on shallow and middepth cranks. Got out of the slow side around noon with only one keeper in the live well, and tried a few offshore spots. No dice there, and with a little less than an hour and a half left we went to plan D and found some mats to throw frogs on.
Caught one two pounder on the first mat we fished right off the bat, and then broke the tip off my frog rod on a stupid cast. Had to swap over to a 6'6" medium powered spinning rod with 8 pound braid after that, which kinda messed up my hooking/landing percentage a bit. Got about five or six more bites after that, all while running other mats in similar areas. Didn't connect on anything else.
Went back to the weigh in, and it turns out only two limits were weighed! Our 5.03 pounds got us an 11th place finish, a very solid finish for the state championship in my book. Prizes went down past or place to, so that was cool. Another thing a learned was that the club with the highest weight in the state finals gets two tickets to the national championship, and even though our club only had three teams qualify (many had 5-7) we all made the top 12 and one team won it. Not entirely sure how the lucky teams are chosen, aoy points, placement in the state, or if the club president picks. But we do have some chance of getting a coveted ticket, not a big one as both other teams have a higher aoy (one of them only because we missed a tournament because of motor problems). Would be pretty awesome if we did make it.