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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. It's a semi-private lake, so it has different rules than others.
  2. I know a guy (Jim and Shirley) that lives on a main lake point that has 12 feet of water 5-6 feet in front of his dock, and he gave me permission to pull my aluminum boat up there last time the water was pulled down, and said I could use it again if needed in the future. The boat is light enough that two or three people can lift it up, so it really can't get stuck. Not sure when the marina will be closing, I don't think it's been announced yet but I could be wrong. I am personally looking forward to when the marina is closed and the security boats are winterized, they've really been cracking down on driving in the wrong direction. Even just fishing offshore and using the trolling motor, staying in relatively the same area, is getting people warnings. Not that it's stopped me from fishing offshore, I just have to make sure to not move the boat much. But you can forget making repeated trolling passes both ways over structure.
  3. It still looks like your doing really good rock hopping, far better than it's been out here. Last two weed treatments caused major fish kills, and ruined fishing for about a week each. I think they might be using a different chemical, I've never seen them react this way before. Only taking ~10 pounds to win the tournaments. You're always welcome to run my boat, name the time and day and I will be there. Really learned a lot watching the way you approached offshore fishing last time, made my whole summer. BTW, is it set in stone that the lake will be drained ten feet down next year? Is the lake still going to stay open for fishing? I hadn't heard anything about that till now.
  4. I just zoomed in on the mouth, and it turns out it I was wrong, you had it right in the first place. I saw the crappie-like coloration, and assumed from that it was a crappie. Way to small of a mouth for crappie though, and the spines are different. My bad
  5. That looks like a white crappie to me...
  6. Quantum Tour kvd crankin rod, 7'3" medium heavy. It is an S-glass graphite composite, which gives it a more parabolic bend than pure graphite, and the S-glass does not have a backbone like e-glass does, giving it even more cushion without feeling like a wet noodle. Can easily be found new on eBay for under $100, and I bought mine new for $60.
  7. No experience with the huddlestons, but the savage gear line-thru trout is an awesome bait for fishing shallower water. Only costs $13 to, very affordable for a swim bait.
  8. Or, you could do what I did and simplify it even more to pb&j and black/blue
  9. Where can rick clunn's seasonal patterns be found? I looked online for it, but couldn't find them.
  10. First thing you need to do is locate the old ramps used to drive the excavation machinery in and out, they provide a clear and easily fished path for the fish to follow and will always hold fish. Find them by dragging a jig across the bottom, or if the boats have any kind of depth finders they will speed the process up.
  11. I would recommend sticking with the spinning rods for fishing ned rigs, unless you feel comfortable throwing 1/16 ounce heads tied to 8 pound braid on baitcasters. Spinning rods are better suited for that technique, and much cheaper to.
  12. Lawn mowing, plus whatever odd jobs I could get a hold of. Refereeing sports games was and is a good way to make some good money to.
  13. At least he didn't ask what the bass thought a pink trick worm was. I never know how to answer that one, without trying to describe to the non-fisherman that the bass could care less what it looks like.
  14. Just the other day I was fishing down a bank and an older lady came out of her house and started yelling "get away from my shoreline, my grandkids play here! You don't have any business fishing here, and don't you throw your f****** baits into my dock! My response was (I was more amused than anything) "ok-dokie, just let me finish fishing the PUBLIC water underneath and next to your dock. I won't fish your shoreline." That finished her little short temper off, and she pretty much blew a fuse trying to cuss me and threaten to call security at the same time. Needless to say, i took my time fishing that area...
  15. If powerbait only made a trick worm... I'd buy all 40 packs of them.
  16. Given that it's $5 more, why would you buy the teckel sprinkler instead of a lunkerhunt prop frog? Pretty much the only difference is the lunkerhunt has two props instead of one.
  17. Two big reasons, longer casts and better control of the bait (which means better action and depth control).
  18. How are you liking those dredgers? The manufacturer claimed diving depths are incredible for the sizes, but I haven't bought any yet.
  19. There are all kinds of different baits that can be used on a "ned rig", readings some Midwest finesse articles and reports over on infishermen will show you just how many can be used effectively. And it might help you understand what the ned rig and Midwest finesse fishing really is. Lately the 4" finesse wormz on a 1/16 ounce mushroom head has been very productive for me, substantially more so than the 2.5 inch zinkerz. Robo worms actually work a little better IMO than the finesse wormz, but I don't use them much because I can only get half a dozen fish per robo worm instead of 100-150 fish before the finesse wormz is to torn to use.
  20. Mink, ducks, lots of alligator snapping turtles, a swim suit, water snakes, plus some other animals I can't remember right now. The mink and snappers were the worst, those cute little mink are not so cute when they use their wicked sharp claws to tear any exposed skin apart. And the snapping turtles are always bent on separating my fingers from my hand.
  21. I think he decided California doesn't have good bass fishing as an excuse for his lack of success.. And I think he is wrong, @WRB has hundreds if not thousands of California dd bass prove it.
  22. Hope you can get back to fishing soon, I can't imagine what it would be like to not be able to fish anymore.
  23. Shaky heads use much larger hooks than what should be used for "ned rigs", often in the 2/0-4/0 range, while the Ned rig uses hooks between the sizes #6 and #2. Another difference is the weights used, shaky heads weigh between 1/16 and upwards of 1/2 ounce, while the ned rig uses jig heads in the 1/32 to 3/32 ounce range. Larger plastics (typically 4" and over) are paired with the heavier heads and larger hooks (sometimes rigged weedless) on shaky heads, and plastics 4" and under are paired with the tiny mushroom heads and the open small hooks used for the ned rig.
  24. The only time I've done well with spinnerbaits (or chatterbaits) is when the water is chocolate milk. Otherwise I can't seem to catch squat on them. I suck at drop shotting to.
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