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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. Man, that thing was huge! I think Jordan is going to stop at the first basspro he sees on the way back and buy himself a bigger net...
  2. They look interesting, but not $3.33 each interesting. All of the toads I've tried only last a couple fish, so that could get expensive fast. I do find it strange that a brand known for being affordable is now selling one of the more expensive toads on the market.
  3. You're only the second person I've heard of who uses snack daddy lures.
  4. I usually change lures in an effort to increase effectiveness (or trying to learn a new technique), because catching more fish is more fun.
  5. Good luck, but my bet's on you buying some of those teckel sprinkler frogs you've been talking about as soon as they come back in stock... I can't seem to go longer than three months without running out of one of my favorite baits, and I definitely couldn't go a year without buying anything.
  6. Nope, and I only use two different crank bait colors. Some chartreuse variant for more stained water, and shad for clear.
  7. I bet she never let you forget about that one lol.
  8. You and i are very different lol. I fish socks in sandals (on the rare occasion I even wear shoes), an old hat I found floating in the lake a few years back, jeans, and whatever shirt I happen on have on my back. Tackle? I fish with blue reels on black rods, green reels on dark brown rods, and green or yellow braid on everything besides cranking and buzzbaits. I actually swap reels around pretty often, based on what I'm going to use the rod for.
  9. Never heard that before.
  10. I would suggest you take people's claims of "5 pounders" with a grain of salt. Many people will claim they caught a five pounder, when it was really just a three pounder that they didn't weigh.
  11. I did the same thing, except in addition to swapping martens out for Alton jones, I also traded palinuik in for Wheeler. I should just not mess with my line up after two days before the deadline, those last minute decisions are not doing me any favors.
  12. Do you like those bladed jigs in clearer (3-4 feet of visibility) water, in lakes that don't have any brush to bounce them of? They are one bait that I cane seem to catch a fish on.
  13. Hey guys, I am thinking about selling shaky heads and mushroom heads, and decided to ask on here to see if there was any interest from you guys. The screw lock shaky heads have six weights, 1/16, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, and 3/8 ounce, poured on either 2/0 or 4/0 owner hooks. The mushroom ned heads are 1/16, 3/32, 1/8, 1/4 ounce, poured on either #2 or #1 lil' nasty hooks, and also #1 and #2 owner hooks. I could also pour them on any other hook you want, if you're buying enough to make it worth purchasing another pack of hooks. I'm thinking 7$ a dozen/13$ for 24 mushroom heads poured on lil' nasty hooks, or 9$ for a dozen owners/$17 for 24. For the shaky heads it would be 10$ for a dozen owners. Right now I'm just seeing if there's any interest, send me a pm if you are interested.
  14. He's going to need a few more of those to catch up... This could really shake the aoy points race up, possibly giving Jacob Wheeler a good shot at the aoy title.
  15. Try using Greg Hackney's hook setting technique, he demonstrates it in this video https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=greg+hacdkney+jig+hookset&view=detail&mid=088542157E30BD1AAB3F088542157E30BD1AAB3F&FORM=VIRE literally was a game changed for me, this is how I set the hook with almost all baits now (with varying degrees of power of course). I would not recommend cutting the weed guard, trimming it shorter actually makes it stiffer, reducing hooking percentages. Trimming the skirt length is up to you, it won't affect your hooking percentage but a smaller profile will sometimes get more bites.
  16. Now I can tell people to literally go to Hell! I wonder what the person who named the town was smoking, or if he thought the town was so bad that that it resembled hell...
  17. Start with a 1/8 ounce pack of owner ultra head shaky heads, they have very sharp hooks and I like the style of spring keeper. 1/8 ounce covers 80% off bass fishing situations, so that's a good place to start. They come with 4/0 hooks which match the full sized 6" trick worms nicely, and if you can get a hold of some poured on 2/0 hooks those are great for 4.5" finesse worms. A pack of 1/8 ounce owner ultrahead shaky heads, a green pumpkin colored pack of trick worms, and a bag of finesse trick worms in the same color can be bought for $10 and are all you need to start.
  18. Send some of that down here, water temperature was up to 90 last checked two days ago.
  19. You can fish a lot of plastics on shaky heads, but my two favorites that are almost all i use are the zoom trick worm/finesse trick worm, and the Strike king finesse wormz and full sized finesse worm. Green pumpkin is a great all around color.
  20. What happened to palinuik? Hopefully his bassrak just hasn't pinged in a while.
  21. You have the exact same line-up as I do. Is your tie breaker 82 pounds also? Lol
  22. I know you didn't mention them, but I like the bps stick-o better than the dingers and shimesticks. Closest thing to a senko, although no stick worm works as well as a senko IMO. Instead of zip ties, try using 1/4 inch wide pieces of (3/8" for 5" senkos) shrink tubing. I can usually get 5-12 fish per senko using them.
  23. I actually tried those, and while I loved them for wacky rigging, I had hook set issues when fished shaky head style. It could of had something to do with that style of hook, or maybe it's just user error. But so far I'm really liking the ones I pour myself, I can use exactly the hook I want in the weight I want, and they still cost less than commercially made jig heads.
  24. Been a rough last few weeks for me, very erratic patterns and a lot of slow days. The shaky head and ol standby ned rig has been getting a lot of use, in addition to shallow/deep cranks, frogs, and buzzbaits. Some fish being caught up one of the shallow feeder creeks on frogs and buzzers, the rest offshore on shaky heads and deep cranks unless it's windy. Cranking main lake windblown points get the nod then. I've been experimenting with pouring shaky heads on 2/0 hooks (especially with 4-5 inch finesse worms, but also normal sized ones to) with good success lately, they seem to get more bites than the normal 4/0 hooks most companies use. Something to think about trying if you can find some. On a positive note, I just clicked my fish counter for the 3,250 time, and it looks like I might reach my goal of 5,000 fish before the end of the year
  25. I finally broke down and bought a shaky head mold, after getting tired of paying 1$+ a pop and not being able to buy the hook/weight combo that I wanted. I could never find a small enough, quality hook in a 1/8 ounce head before. I tried a 1/16 ounce shaky head with a 2/0 owner hook with a zoom finesse trick worm, kind of like what you're doing, and it worked pretty well swimming around shallow dead grass patches. I still prefer a ned, bit I can definitely see where the weedless rigging could come in handy.
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