Got out fishing yesterday and today, and for some strange reason they seemed to be biting better than before the cold front. No idea why, but I'll take it. Caught 27 in about four hours yesterday, with five fish measuring over fifteen inches for about 13 pounds. A whole lot more than has been coming out of this lake recently, the past couple tournaments it only took 7-9 pounds to win. Caught some of them fishing a main lake shoreline with a shallow crank, some other by skipping docks up river and on mainland points with shaky heads, and the rest offshore on shaky heads, neko rigs, and deep cranks. Offshore was the best bite of the three, the 14-16 inch size class school had moved up from being suspended off of the structure the other day up onto the breaks in 14 feet of water, a change from nearly uncatchable to very catchable.
Almost went out to cataract today, but decided that I didn't want to deal with the labor day madness. So instead I went to one of my old favorite gravel pits that I learned to bass fish on. Used to spend a lot of time there. Ended up catching a total of 46 (plus a very aggressive snapping turtle, I hate catching those things), all fish under fifteen inches but it was still fun. 15 feet of clarity and little vegetation makes for a lot of sight fishing for small schools. They were all caught on shaky heads and a pointer 78, mostly in 10-25 feet of water around the old ramps. Took a bit for me to try the pointer, but once I did they ate that thing up like candy, every bass I hooked had a half a dozen more trying to take it out of its mouth.