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About fishhardorgohome

  • Birthday 06/23/1977

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    clarksville tn

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  1. Wow, that is a freakin toad, she would be on my wall as I have never seen a bass that big, did you slap some golf balls in her eye sockets.
  2. Nice job, I once fished a jerkbait all day and came out second in a tournament, discipline does pay off, and congrats on the check.
  3. dont look like dinks to me
  4. Hey bud, This is shannon, do u still want to get together.
  5. I tie it to part of the blade you will now when you get that vibration that makes you say, Man I love the motion of this bait. Stuck myself on this bait when i first got it cast out three times, three different fish, holy moly, 4th cast well I guess it catches rocks too, because that rock hit so hard I pulled in a frayed line and left about 6 bucks in the bottom of that lake. Man, fishing is awesome.
  6. oops my subject line is wrong supposed to read fishing partner not fihing partner,, what is fihing any way.
  7. Hey guys, I am in the ft.campbell, ky area and I was just wondering if anyone is looking for a fishing partner be it a weekend thing or for any tournaments. I don't own a boat but I will help with expenses, you can't tell me no, because i will just slip it in your tackle bag when you are excited yelling get the net. My name is Shannon Peters, CJbasswhacker we were supposed to hook up before but unfortunately I forgot my password to bassresource so I had to re-register my number is 931-278-2652 or 931-221-0062. I am in the U.S.Army and I Love It........ Please P.M. me or give me a call, I am up until midnight everynight studying fpr school, so now time is too late to give me a call excpet after midnight.
  8. Glad to see you recovered, welcome back... ;D
  9. 5" senko's they work even on Bluegill, I caught one today on a senko
  10. I am looking for a boater who needs a back boater for the BFL-LBL division. Willing to share the expenses. I am in Ky(Ft. Campbell) and my number is 931-278-2652. I am military and I have been bass fishing for about 8 years mostly from the bank. Started fishing in a local bass club last year and I have expanded my knowledge superbly.
  11. Hey, I know I am posting this in the wrong forum, but I am in a rush and I need to find this guy named bassinsoldier, we are both stationed at Ft Campbell, and if he happens to read this please call me at 931-278-2652. Hooah Air Assault
  12. Great job, I long for a day like that I would go back to Iraq tomorrow if I could have a day like that today. Awesome
  13. thanks , I did some research after posting this and it seems like a couple of 5lbers came out of that lake before according to the people that controls access to that lake. I am in the U.S. Army and it is a small lake on Ft. Campbell Ky, so apparently it is a stocked lake. I'll give the water time to warm up and then try it again, it does get cold in Kentucky.
  14. Try slowing down a great deal and using a shakey head jig with a finesse worm, it has been working for me. Also, try a blue gill colored jerk bait with about a thirty second pause after every third jerk.... jerk, jerk, jerk, 30 sec pause jerk, jerk, jerk. I don't claim to be an expert but this has put a little excitement on my line in december and it has been a little cold here in Kentucky. I know the water is cold, cold.
  15. Hey guys, I am in desperate need of some help. Here's the situation.. I am fishing a small lake about 5 acres total. It has alot of grass and is only about 2-3 ft deep maybe 5 or 6 at it's deepest part. There is a small quarry on one bank, and grass on the other. I know there are bass in it because I have got a few dinks out of it. But my concern is .. I am not catching anyting of quality. I fish weightless horny toads, t-rig worms, jigs and pigs, and spinnerbaits . I mean the grass is like your worst nightmare in that lake, you can't even run a trolling motor in there so it is fish from the bank, or a rubber raft. Could I be doing something wrong and not getting bit, or am I fishing the wrong lake? :'( >
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