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Everything posted by beginningfisherman

  1. Ok so I'm between the lews tournament mb and the revo stx. The mb is $108 and the stx is $140. For those prices, which do you all think is the better reel?
  2. I am looking for a new Baitcasting reel for a 6'8" MH rod I just bought. I am planning on using it for topwater, jigs, Carolina and Texas rigs, and about everything else other than crankbaits and finesse things. I'm thinking that I would want something in the 7.1:1 range but that is open to discussion. I'm looking to keep in the $150-175 range. What is the best reel for my purpose?
  3. I am interested in learning whatever will help me catch fish so if you are willing to share I would love to know more about this.
  4. Is there someplace where it explains how to predict all these things? That is awesome
  5. Sorry, I kind of jumped the gun and didn't post here for my first post. I am 20 and from eastern Iowa. I am relatively new to bass fishing. I have fished before but never really had much of an idea what I was doing or what I was fishing for. My boss gave me a great deal on an old Jon boat of his last summer so I figured now that I have a boat I had better figure out what I'm doing. I only have 2 rods and not many lures/tackle but I am looking to build my collection as money allows. I am looking forward to learning lots from all the veterans on here and hopefully someday I will be able to pass my knowledge on. Thanks!
  6. Awesome! Thanks!
  7. Does anyone have any thoughts on the Kast King Royale Legend? How would it compare with the Black Max or Lews Speed Spool Lfs?
  8. Today I was fishing in a pond in Iowa. It was sunny and warm the water was clear. Yet bass weren't biting. I could see them swimming about 10-15 feet from shore but couldn't get them to bite on crankbaits, worms, jigs, soft plastics or even a bluegill I caught and rehooked. They seemed completely u interested in whatever I threw their way. Does anyone have any idea why the bass weren't biting and what I could do to get them to bite?
  9. I have a 6' Scheels medium spinning rod with a Pflueger President 6930X reel. I just bought a Fenwick Aetos 6'8 MHF casting rod (got an awesome deal on it). What kind of reel should I get for this rod? I am also thinking about getting a third rod. What kind of rod/reel combo should I be looking for to complete my arsenal? Also, if someone could explain what techniques I would use each of these three rods for that would be awesome.
  10. I have been fishing for awhile, but have never had a clue what I was doing. I have recently started watching lots of videos and reading lots of forums to try to figure it out. The one thing that has been most hard to understand is the vast amounts of baits and lures everyone talks about. It is very overwhelming and I don't have near enough money for all of them. When I go to the store I just end up buying whatever looks cool. If I was to spend about $100 dollars, what is everything I need? Thanks
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