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Everything posted by beginningfisherman

  1. When I said weightless I was referring to weightless t-rig.
  2. I’ve searched through the senko forum and I can’t seem to find the answer to this. If I missed it, please direct me towards it. What it conditions cause you to use wacky vs weightless senkos? I’ve had some pretty good days fishing weightless but never wacky. Might just be a confidence thing, but I’m trying to figure out the right conditions to throw the different baits I have and I’ve been having a hard time figuring them out for senkos.
  3. I won an assortment of siebert outdoors jigs from here last summer. While they are all awesome quality, I am pretty partial to the brush jigs. I throw them into a lot of lay downs and such and they work really well for that.
  4. I am looking at some of the h20 express hardbaits that they have on sale and thinking about picking some up. What are the opinions on them and which models should I buy or avoid?
  5. That’s what it was.
  6. I kind of thought the same thing. I couldn’t see how it was rigged from the video so I was hoping someone else could shed some light on it. There was 5-6 flukes
  7. It wasn’t an Alabama rig because there was no wire frame. The lures were free to dart around however they wanted.
  8. I saw a video yesterday of someone fishing a rig in their pool that looked like a school of soft plastic jerkbaits. It made me wonder if anyone else has tried this out and how you would go about rigging it.
  9. I haven’t had a lot of luck with bass on lost grove but the crappie in the spring have been good. Belva Deer hasn’t been spectacular for me either, but I’m not the worlds greatest angler by any stretch of the imagination. I hope to make it to brushy creek for a weekend this spring or summer because I’ve heard good things about it. Wow! It sounds like you’re living the dream! I saw from the member map that you are from the Miami area. Is there a lot of fishing pressure since you live in that heavily populated of an area or do not many people fish?
  10. I’m also from Iowa and I took up trout fishing a couple years ago as well. I live a few hours from the trout streams, but it’s a good time when I can make it up there! What are your favorite Iowa lakes? I live by lake macbride so I’m there more than anywhere else but I haven’t had a lot of luck catching big bass. I’m always looking to try someplace new.
  11. On average, how many times a month does everyone here go fishing? Do you do it all on the same lake or mix it up a lot? Just curious to see how much everyone gets out.
  12. Where do you go to school? That could help me find you someplace close.
  13. And you don't think it affects your fish catching ability with them? I've never used it because of the price but some guys make me think it's necessary
  14. All Walmarts? Or just your local one?
  15. I have caught all my biggest fish from ponds on hollow body frogs. One day me and a buddy of mine went to a pond by my house about an hour before sunset. Over the next 30 minutes, we caught 3 in the 4-5 pound range and a few more smaller ones on frogs. It was the most fun I've ever had fishing.
  16. If you look online you can find a few things. There isn't much selection for fishing but there are some decent deals in be hunting and camping sections.
  17. This weekend I was fishing with a buddy and we couldn't buy a bite. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't sticking with one technique long enough to know whether the fish weren't liking that bait or if the fish just weren't in the spot where I threw it. How long do you all stick with a bait without catching fish before switching? Also, how long do you fish one particular area (pads, a certain bay, etc) before moving?
  18. Nice fish! Congrats!
  19. I guess it makes sense after reading this. I had always been led to believe more bearings = better real. Apparently it isn't that simple. Thanks for explaining it without being a jerk like some on this thread. Obviously I didn't know or I wouldn't have started this thread.
  20. If anyone here has used one of these I'd love to hear about how it handled! Thinking one of them might be my next purchase.
  21. I've done the best with a red eye shad for largemouth and a rapala rippin rap for smallies. I assume it's like anything you throw, it's all about what you are confident in!
  22. Wow thanks for all the great replies everyone! So as a college kid and budget shopper (for now) if I can't afford the upper level shimanos should I stick with another brand or do they outperform and outlast at all levels?
  23. I've noticed lots of people seem to be in love with shimano reels. Why is that? Looking at the specs it seems like they are more expensive for what you get. I have used lews and abu Garcia baitcasting reels and got along fine with them without spending an arm and a leg. Why are people so set on shimano?
  24. I like glacier ice gloves. They are made for ice fishing but work really well whenever you need to keep your hands warm. They are waterproof, easy to tie with, and about $20 a pair so not too pricey
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