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Bass Justice

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Everything posted by Bass Justice

  1. That's what I was thinking. Gotta get Park Place too though right? Yeah I can't wait to get out in it! We all know Canada only has 3 days a year of non winter weather. Which are labeled Spring, Summer, and Fall accordingly. If you're like me then you are confused, but that won't stop us! A fishing report from a large lake (West Point) here in Georgia said the temps were "60's" so I am assuming it's still pre-spawn or winter-spring transition based on their lures suggestions and fish locations. Either way with this warm winter I feel like pre-spawn is right around the corner. Thanks everyone!
  2. Hey guys! Been a minute, ready to load up the Kayak this weekend and hit some local ponds, but the weather has been uncharacteristically warm this winter in Georgia, and maybe elsewhere? I am not sure. Looking at weather.com monthly averages, looks like it's been about 10 degrees higher than the average here so far this month. And I am wondering if the bass started their pre-spawn routine weeks ago and might be moving into the spawn. I know the change in pattern behavior is typically associated with longer days which aren't quite here yet, but I also know a steady water temperature increase gets them moving. From some local fishing reports looks like water temps are around 60 degrees or so. So my question is geared toward everyone everywhere, which is how do you go about very warm winters? I just feel like if the bass did mitigate to winter haunts, then they might have already moved up/ out and transitioned into pre spawn. Getting some feedback will help me at least get an idea. As a new fisherman I am not experienced or knowledgable enough to know how to treat a very abnormally warm winter. I mean, the average high/low temps for the next seven days here is 70/50 (usually 60/35). Crazy for middle February here. Thanks! -Mike
  3. Appreciate the feedback guys i'll look into all the suggestions!
  4. Looks like a LMB to me as well
  5. Oh yeah I probably should have disclosed that huh? Sorry, got really sunburnt on the trip and my mind isn't right! I think I can work with around $200 for a quality rod no problem
  6. So one week after posting about how my cheap Abu Garcia's I purchased two years ago were so durable and strong my spinning rod snapped in half on a cast while down in Florida, so I need a new one. I'm looking for a 7'0 rod, mostly to use for finesse style fishing like weightless worms, wacky rigs, drop shots, shaky heads, ned rigs, and other things of the like so I assume it should be medium or medium light strength with a moderate or moderate fast tip. What rod would guys recommend for this application? I'm pairing it with an Abu Garcia Silver Max spinning reel and plan on using 20lb braid with flouro leaders.
  7. I live in the south so ponds and lakes never ice over which means it's just fishing in cold weather for me! I can imagine I would go stir crazy not being able to go fish. Like Christmas eve or something
  8. Looking at the size of the HBF vs the size of the actual frog i'd say Strike King, Spro, Scum, and Livetarget need to come out with a DOUBLE XL version of a hollow body. Imagine the bass that would eat that size bullfrog... Easy 10lber!
  9. About a year ago on a golf course pond on a black buzz bait. On a "real" lake probably only about a 3 pounder. I didn't have a scale but after measuring using a video of her lying next to my rods, she was between 21"-23", which SHOULD put her between 5 and 7 so that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
  10. Yeah I am considering it for sure I definitely love my max's they are quality no doubt Like I said I have put them through hell with just carelessness and inexperience and they have been solid That's true. I suppose with my abuse of the reel i'm just expecting them to fail at some point. But maybe I should just take them apart and clean them up and keep them going
  11. Awesome. I will definitely consider buying a high end one and checking it out for sure. Thanks guys
  12. So I just got into LMB fishing two years ago and had some cash lying around, so I splurged and literally bought 4 rod and reel combos off of Abu Garcia's site. They were the Abu Garcia Pro Max rod and reel combos for $90 each give or take. They seemed like the cheapest combos that had decent reviews online, so I bought a bunch (4). My plan was to eventually and gradually replace a rod and reel each year with a more specific higher quality model, whether a better quality Abu, Shimano etc. I already have replaced two of the rods with two Dobyns rods which i love, but I really have to hand it to Abu without sounding like a promoter. I have straight up ABUSED these rods and reels. Backlashes, dropping them on concrete, in the water, getting snagged in cover and incorrectly using the rod to pull a lure free with all my strength, bending them to fit all 5 rods in my tiny Civic Hybrid, constant tangling within other rods, eyes getting bent (and bending them back), stepping on them I mean you name it. Not a chip, not a broken eye, nothing. Not to mention an average of 3 days a week fishing for several hours for the last two years which is however many casts that ends up being. I have read bad reviews about certain rods breaking with little use, and reels that the bearings that go out and whatnot, and I just can't envision that. Abu might have sold me to just go with their high end models for my replacements, but what do you guys think? I am loyal but if i'm going to spend $400+ on a reel I want it to be the best. Now I know certain reels might be best for certain situations similar to rods, but who all should I consider for my future upgrades? I literally fish every technique (not much finesse), and don't really want more than 5 total setups. Should I go with other manufacturers like Shimano when I upgrade, or should I look into Abu Garcia's Revo Beast lineup? Any users out there? Thanks guys! I hope I don't violate rules by talking about my experience! -Mike
  13. I went fishing today and man the carp would freak out for no reason. I'm in my kayak so they usually didn't see me until I was right on them and they cause a freaking typhoon when they speed away. Actually going Carp fishing next weekend to use for catfish bait in Florida the following week!
  14. I was wondering something as an inexperienced bass angler. I have been fishing local ponds and small lakes managed by the city and counties for the last year and have not been to a lake that was managed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The GDNR is usually really good about updating there website and database with lake health, techniques, records etc, and of course finding information about city and county lakes is extremely difficult. My question is.. For those of you that fish both DNR managed waters and city/ county managed waters, do you notice a difference with fishing success or overall lake health? At a glance it SEEMS like the DNR is more on top of things but that may just be inexperience talking. Thanks for your input guys. -Mike
  15. My buddy taught me how to fish by using them as texas rigs. Strangely you don't see many pros using them nowadays but they still work great. I bought the big 10 inch ones (forget if they were zoom or not) and they are a blast to fish with. They get hit hard and big ones like em. I'm pretty sire the lizard is a natural enemy of bass and their eggs so I feel like they hit them out of anger lol
  16. Well I kept my blackpack in the backseat of my car for a week (just kept forgetting to unload it). So when I pulled it out to re-rig my setups I noticed it was missing Yeah I figured mostly everyone who has been on the water has a sad story. I don't have any expensive reels yet, but I do have a couple nicer rods that I would be really peeved at if I lost. Replacing them with better stuff does sound fun though. But ALL my jigs, frogs, and chatter baits went the way of the dinos! If he was ok, then that is hilarious. If not then its totally a tragedy! I am terrified to buy one (one day) for that very reason! I wouldn't care what the law was or how cold the water was I would take a dive lol I detect very minute traces of sarcasm...
  17. So a couple weeks ago I went out to a local small lake for about 5-6 hours, I have a nice Old Town Predator 13 Kayak, fully rigged minus power pole and trolling motor, with a Yakattack blackpack for my plano boxes. I always take my wireless Dr. Dre beats2 headphones and either listen to sports radio (huge sports fan) or my iPhone playlist's. I'm still not only getting used to kayaking in general, but this blackpack from yak attack takes some getting used to as well since the plano boxes have to be put in and taken out at an angle, no big deal. I've been bass fishing seriously now for a full year and have amassed a nice variety of tackle that I really enjoy. However, when I was on the water I pulled out my crank bait plano box to change out a spinnerbait to a trap and I guess my plano box full of my topwater frogs and jigs came out with it and fell out of the boat into the water. I was extremely surprised that I not only didn't see it come out when I pulled out the first box, but didn't hear or feel it come out since i'm sure it would've hit my kayak on its way out. The worst part is I probably could've found it had I realized it, but it took me about a week later when I was loading up to go out again that I noticed it was missing. It hurts because it was a decent collection that probably amounted to about $200. (Grrrrr!) Have you guys lost/ done anything that made you feel like crap?
  18. Hard to tell without seeing the belly as well. With that being said I have pulled a bunch this season out of ponds very similar in size and I am 5'11 as well, and they were all right at 3lb or just above
  19. I seriously died laughing at this lol. Alright well i'll keep tabs on the lake forum and see what they plan to do. I appreciate the feedback
  20. After I set the hook and feel a fish, I say "Got yo ass!" Never fails lol
  21. I have no idea what they are going to stock it with. I didn't even know how it worked. That makes sense, stock it with smaller fish and let them grow. I'm sure that's probably what they're going to do, d**n I was thinking I was going to cash in big time! Oh well, i'll hit it in a couple years I guess. Unless I read about them stocking it with bigger fish
  22. Yeah unfortunately I didn't think about it or I would have! I imagine they would be lethargic after being transported for sure
  23. Hey guys I had a question for those who might have some insight for me. One of my local lakes was drained and had some work done over the last two years. They dredged the lake bed if that matters. It's a small 270 acre lake, and they finally finished and filled it about a month ago. The report on the site says they are evaluating the current species health and are probably going to restock the lake. The lake before the drain was pressured regularly. My question is... I have this assumption where all these new fish they are going to use for stocking have never seen a lure and will bite anything. I imagine the bite will be fantastic the first couple months but I'm also inexperienced and relatively new in the sport. On the other hand I also think maybe the fish will be stressed from being relocated and might not bite at all being in a completely new environment. So how long should I wait to hit the lake after they stock it? The next morning? A week? A month? Next year? I have no idea how fishing success/ failure is impacted by newly stocked fish As always thanks in advance! -Mike
  24. Yeah it is TOUGH. Kayak fishing has only made my thirst for a nice Bass Boat more intense, but I am enjoying it nonetheless. A stakeout pole, trolley system, and a good anchor is a must. I might invest in a Power Pole Micro one day, but i'm getter at managing wind and current with each trip I take I've also decided to go out tomorrow night (Tuesday) to a nicely stocked pond like A-Jay suggested. I might also go out Thursday for an all day adventure as well since that's the day before a front and the last day in a nice warming trend. I will post pics of my catches when I return home
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