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Everything posted by reddrooster

  1. Very nice reel. I have two also. My favorite!
  2. I've got a buddy that is considering one of these for his musky fishing. Any feedback on the quality of this reel? I know I love the Curados for bass fishing so I bet they are great too. Thanks!
  3. I and a buddy are heading to Choke Canyon tomorrow (Thursday 10/23). With the cold front tonight, we're hoping for the best. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  4. If you are fishing on Saturday morning, like me...Monday evenings on OLN, I especially like 'ol Hank Parker.,
  5. I'm not sure where that unit was. The unit designations may have changed before I got in country. The only HAWK units were 2/71st, 1/2 and 1/44th. I was in C 2/71st. We were about the northern most unit ( I think)
  6. Yes I remember the launcher pretty well as I started out as a launcher crewman. I was bored and moved on to a Fire Control Crewman. That's the guy that gets to track the targets on radar and push the fire button. I was fascinated by all the electronics so I reenlisted for the longest maintenance school IHAWK (Improved HAWK) had, one year at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. I really loved that job!
  7. It's like I used to tell my son when things were looking pretty bleak, "This is the low point and it will get better from here". You know what? It did. Hang in there, it will get better.
  8. Great pictures! Even though he's not poisonous, I would have had to changed my shorts after he bit me!
  9. Yeah, I know..."It only happens to me". ;D I spent some time in Florida back a few years ago.75 Key West and 78 at Homestead. That was before I knew I lived to fish!
  10. Thanks everybody for the great feedback! I guess some of you are as old or older than me. ;D Hey Bud: Those pictures are from Pobwon Ni which was between Yanji Go and Sanja Ri. If you remember village names? We were in 2nd Div area. P_Rock: sounds like we "almost" could of met in a firing battery. However, seems like you lucked out of that situation. Off topic but why we are all here! --- I got my 1st boat a couple of months ago and I'm having a blast fishing the lakes here in Central Texas. Now if I can just master casting without the backlash! :-[
  11. Old soldiers don't die they just start fishing! (Sorry for the hack on the saying) Are there any old HAWKer out there fishing besides me? Most of you are probably too young to have been in the army back then. Here is a link to some pictures when I was a young pup in Korea. I was 19 when these were taken! ;D Yeah I know I'm a old man. These are maintained by my buddy Mel in North Carolina. He was also over there with me. I was also stationed in Key West, Fl, Redstone Arsenal, Al and Ft Bliss, TX.
  12. Thanks Hillbilly. I'll check 'em out. Rooster "I'm your Huckaberry" Also from Doc Holiday, Tombstone. (Great movie) 8-)
  13. Thanks for the insite! I'll try and give them a holler!
  14. Hey Y'all! I used to be a bass fishing nut and I'm getting the fishing bug again. It's been "several" years since I jerked the lips off a lunker but I feel the callin' again. Are there any clubs/groups in the Tx. Hill Country? Back in the day we used to fish, Fayette County, Lake Travis, Austin & Bastrop. I drive by Canyon Lake almost everyday and Lake L.B.J on weekends. Thanks for providing the website and resource! Steve
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