I live near a 250 acre lake about 5 minutes from my house. For the past 9 years i have been using my 12 foot row boat. Since its not that big of a lake, i was thinking about getting trolling motor to get around the lake, as well as some rowing. i was looking at couple minn kota tolling motors, but i dont know what to get. i also understand that i must get a deep cycle battery as well as a trickle charger. Which motor do you guys think i need. I usually fish for 4-6 hours. i dont really understand the pound thrust. I think its 28 pound thrust, 40, 50 an so on. please help me out. thanks all!!
EDIT: Do you guys think i need to get a minn kota with a Maximizer? Or do you guys it will be fine without one?? if I were to get one without one, how long would it last in the lake?