I fished my first tourney this weekend down at Lake Amistad. Ive always been a weekend fun fisherman and a night time crappie and whites fisherman but Ive decided to move into the real world of fishing I got hooked really bad when I caught my first nice bass about a year ago and Ive been addicted ever since and this year I joined a club and started taking it seriously! Well the resluts were not good, but I didnt get zeroed! I caught one fish the whole weekend, a 2.97 pounder. I had one other bite the whole trip! Its was very uneventful from the fishing stand point. The lake on the otherhand was fun! 3-5 foot seas 20-30 MPH winds and pretty dang rough on Saturday, Sunday was much nicer and thats when I had both bites and managed to land one fish! Im guessing the whole reason for this post is that I want to get better badly and Im not sure how besided fishing as much as possible. I guess this tough start could do 2 things to a man, make him or brake him and it made me. The weather was not too good, the fishing was worse and I had an absolute ball! Man I love the tourney thrill, even at the local club level its fun and exciting! Eventually I want to be the guy they all say, how does he do it??? There is a young guy in the club like that, he is probably 22-25ish and he can flat out fish! He caught 32 pounds this weekend and won by a few pounds and I think its awesome! Man I cant wait until Im that skilled and can catch them in the elements like that! He caught 17 pounds yesterday in those dang winds and rough water. My hats off to him and to all of the others like him in the local clubs, you guys are impressive to me! I sure would like to learn from some of you like this that are members on this site!
One very excited Bitman
PS This could be bad for my marriage ;D