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Lucky Craft Man

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Everything posted by Lucky Craft Man

  1. Simply Awesome, as Always!!!
  2. Haha...Well, that was the look of shock in the picture, however, you are correct, that is the samelook I have today as I rip out the old flooring.
  3. Great Story!! Smallmouth or Largemouth? And I assume no picture.
  4. Haha...Scott, I didn't send you that to wreck your day, I sent that to motive you to get you @ss in gear and get up on the water! You can work anytime.
  5. Thanks Dwight for the kind words. You know I have always viewed you as somewhat of a mentor when it comes to big smallmouth and I always appreciate and enjoy our text conversations. It's just great to know you are back out on the water showing those Smallmouth who is the king. Haha...Tell me about it! The very next day after I returned, she had me go with her to pick out paint and flooring. I was still on the high from catching that fish, so it was hard to concentrate. However, I did suggest bronze colored paint. ? She came on a tube that we were actively fishing. There was no wind at all to even attempt a drift. In fact, the wind was so calm that we didn't even need spot lock to hold our position.
  6. Over years past, I posted about my obsession with catching a 7 Pound Smallmouth and in May of 2013, I was fortunate enough to have achieved that dream. Over the last 5 years, I haven't been able to fish much (arrival of a third child, increased responsibilities at work, stresses in life, etc.), so the thought of ever catching another 7 pound Smallmouth never really entered my mind (and I was still in shock that I even caught the first). My buddy recently asked me if I wanted to get out for a few days on the big pond and chase some Smallies as the weather was supposed to be nice. After some negotiations with the wife (which I am now committed to a bathroom remodeling project), me and my friend took the two and half hour drive and hit the water. The weather was Beautiful, but not very conducive for hot action. The lake was as calm as I have ever seen it and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Needless to say, the action was slow, but around 1:00pm, my lure abruptly stopped and upon lifting the rod, it loaded up with something heavy. As soon as the fish realized she was hooked, she came rocketing up to the surface. However, she was so morbidly obese that she made a sloppy flop at the surface vs. a grand leap that she may have performed during her skinny years prior. My buddy and I saw that wide gut during her flop and knew we had on a good fish. After several intense moments and heavy deep runs, I was able to guide her head into the net with my light spinning rod. Lightening had struck again! She was 22.5" long by 16.5" in girth and tipped the scale at 7 lb. 2 oz. (Excuse the blank stare on my face, I was still in shock at this moment) It's amazing how one fish like this could take what was turning out to be a poor trip fish production wise and turn it into a memory I'll never forget. I want to Thank my buddy for getting me out on the water and for his great net performance at the side of the boat.
  7. I have been fishing Presque Isle Bay for a long while and I have to admit, I am not a fan of fishing there in the month of May (though, I still go). The number of boats is through the roof (easily counts into the hundreds) and for some reason the etiquette goes out the window. I was there last week and I had one guy on plane go within 15 feet of me as I was fishing a point. I saw him coming for a good distance away and was nervous he didn't see me. So I waved my arms to let him know he was getting close and as he zoomed by, he waved as if it was customary to buzz people. The same day, I had a guy pull right up behind me, drop his trolling motor and move right next to me (close enough that I could reach out and shake his hand), and while he started casting to the same spot as me, asked me if I had any luck. Then still that same day, I was spot locked on an edge facing downwind when my buddy said, "This may not end well." I quickly turn around and there is a Pontoon Boat drifting right at us (about 25 ft away and fastly approaching even with two drift socks out). I hit the trolling motor to get out of the way and the owner waved happily as they drifted by. That was on a weekday with bad weather. You add nice weather and the zoo opens their gates. With that being said, I do understand I do not own the like and I am happy to see a lot of people engaging in the sport, but all I ask is to use some etiquette and be safe. Even with the herds of boats, there is still no reason to get within 50 ft. of anybody, especially while on plane.
  8. "State of Nebraska for the last 8-9 years have been introducing Tiger Muskie into all my local Bass lakes and I could not be more upset....they are eating everything and are now over 40 inches long and will hit most Bass lures and baits...and now the Bass are trying to get in their beds and do what they do and here come the Muskie in the shallows having a full on Buffet.... I love fishing but turning Nebraska Bass lakes into Minnesota/Canada Muskie lakes is just wrong." Fake News...Musky do not have the ability to eat everything in the lake, plus bass (and walleye) are not their top menu choice. As was mentioned above by JFrancho, Musky being the top predator in the lake can take top billing on prime ambush spots where the bass used to reside. Now the bass have relocated and you need to now find them. In addition, catching musky is just plain fun, so enjoy that occasional 40" Tiger and enjoy the challenge of finding where the bass have gone, because they certainly won't be in the bellies of those musky's like you think.
  9. I have been the lucky recipient of several of his Scott's masterpieces (including this one) and thought I would show a few pictures of just the last four rods he has made for me. His work just gets better with each build. You guys should hear about the next project I have tasked Scott with. I can't wait to see what magic he produces with it!
  10. You know, this isn't the first time that website has been erroneous. The have had wrong models and specs on rods before and whoever is responsible for their web-design appears to have a habit of pulling the trigger on displaying new web designs without it being completely finished or proof read. Let's hope this is the case again and all the rods slowly make an appearance instead of being some goofy business plan to scrub the G Loomis name off the Conquest. As a side opinion, I am not a fan of this new web design. WAY too busy when trying to find a specific model of rod.
  11. Core 50, fish it hard, and catch a ton of fish with it. Just an Incredible Reel.
  12. The Core is the best reel made. It is very easy to self-service and fishes great. Actually, I take that back, get the Chronarch and let me know where this deal on the Core is.
  13. Several people have mentioned the 873 CRR. I would second that recommendation. The 873 gives you a little more length over the 854 and is not as tip heavy as the 894 (tip heaviness is a problem that plagues almost all the NRX, but especially the 894 and 895 models).
  14. That is Incredible!! Who is doing your bass? I have a Smallmouth I want done and have been shopping around for years, because I want someone who will match the picture vs. just painting a general smallmouth pattern, which your taxidermist seems to have done excellently!!.
  15. Having the space up into the joists helps. I can fit a rod up to 7'9" vertically in there. However, I have several rods that are over 7'9", so I added bike hooks on the joists above the rack and lay the longer rods in there. I am not a fan of horizontal rod storage, but these rods are pretty stout and with three bike hooks, there is no sagging or deflection of the rods while in the hooks and they are out of the way when I pull the vertical rods out of the rack.
  16. I did expand into the rafters. All my fly rods reside there.
  17. I like all my bait casting rods to balance right where my middle finger rests on the underside of the rod when I palm the reel. My spinning rods and fly rods, I balance the rod where my index finger rests on the underside of the rod. As J Francho said, there is no real answer to this as it is a personal preference to what you like.
  18. I just built my own. Nothing I saw fit my needs, so off to the Hardware Store I went and a few 2x4's, screws, and a little groove cutting later, I had what I needed. It's not the prettiest rod holder in the world, but it functions perfectly.
  19. Too bad they don't make that rod anymore. It is a nice stick.
  20. This One. The 894 is a little too tip heavy and the 893 might a little too underpowered. This rod fills that sweet spot right inbetween. Best deals on G Loomis are forums For Sale sections. Just scour around long enough, you'll find a deal.
  21. I assumed that's what you were referring to, but I couldn't help take a jovial jab at those Michigan Car Drivers.
  22. A-Jay, If you are referring to being a good car driver, I have driven around all parts of Michigan from Detroit to Mackinaw and reaching an "excellent" status in that State is not a hard thing to achieve...heh heh.
  23. Interesting question. I have always asked myself a question like this, "How big would a fish have to be for me to consider getting a replica made?" below is the Spreadsheet Table I created that answered that question for me.
  24. Out of all the Conquest Rods, I am most interested in the 783C. I am 6'3" and mostly like long rods, but when it comes to topwater and jerkbaits, I like a shorter rod which prevents me from "overworking" the bait (i.e., the longer rod creates a longer arc path for the same degree of rotation from your hand over a shorter rod). And as far as spinnerbaits go, I still think the GLX 783 MBR is the best one out there when it comes to versitility. I am hoping the Conquest 783 will offer the same versitility.
  25. Hmmm...I have a lot of NRX rods and I have yet to look at the thread wrap quality. I guess I am one who really cares more about functionality over the tightness of the threads. With that being said, if I do want a rod that has both aesthetics and function, I go to Scott (a.k.a. S.H.FishinSticks) and get a custom made rod. That is truly only way to get a rod that obtains the look you desire, the workmanship you expect, and the function you need.
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