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Lucky Craft Man

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Everything posted by Lucky Craft Man

  1. Even in Erie, 7 pounders are not common.
  2. I personally like the "blue" model. Why just change the color? What they should have done is fixed the problem on the "blue" ones, but still kept them the same color and introduced the "green" ones, but in the Classic Mag Bass models.
  3. I use a Core 100MgFV, which has the modified thumb bar that allows you to engage the reel without having to turn the handle. Great pitching and overall heavy cover reel. I also heard rumors that Shimano is getting rid of the 100 MgFV from their line-up, which I hope is a false rumor.
  4. Well, if you like a nice heavy rod, I think the GLX BCR875 would be perfect for you. I like to use this rod for fishing heavy Carolina Rigs in deep water and it really works well.
  5. There are eight victims listed in Grand Jury report. Unfortunatley, I'm sure there are many more. If you are interested in a distrubing read, here is the Grand Jury report:
  6. I love when they do that! Especially when you hook them in 30 ft. of water and you have to reel in as fast as you can to keep up with them as they come striaght for the surface. Great looking fish! PS Happy Birthday!
  7. I think this is what JP DeRose used for frogs in heavy cover and he didn't seem to have a problem horsing the fish out of cover (though, if I recall, none of his fish were huge).
  8. Hmmm...I can watch You Tube videos on my iPhone without a problem (both through WiFi and Verizon's 3G). Is it just as slow when you have a WiFi connection or just when trying to watch a video through 3G?
  9. That lady had no excitement at all. I'm sure since it was her first time fishing for smallmouth, she doesn't have a true appreciation for the enormity of that fish. I know the guide was quite pumped. Congratulations to her and I'm glad she let it go.
  10. I like to fish deep diving crankbaits. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced the high levels of success that you seem to be experiencing, but I have caught some nice size fish in the past while doing it(at least enough to keep me wanting to fish these deep divers again). P.S. I used to think fishing deep diving crankbaits was a tiring technique until I got into muskie fishing. Throwing a 15 oz. Super Mag. Bulldawg or running a bucktail with double size 13 blades for 8 to 10 hours really puts a hurting on you.
  11. I used 25 lb. Fluoro. for Flipping and Punching duties. If you treat your line (as has been mentioned) and have a well trained thumb, that uncoiling effect is minimized.
  12. I saw this in another forum and thought it was a great idea. I am wondering if there are any products out there that you purchased that really exceeded your expectations (it can be fishing related or not). Here is my short list (I'm sure there are more things, but this is just what comes to mind): Fishing Related: - Shimano Core (I know these things are expensive and should perform well, but I am just amazed overall how great they perform, how easily they are to service, and how reliable they have been). - Tackle Industries Muskie Rod (Not a very expensive rod, but really has become one of my favorites). - Navionics App for my iPhone (What a great app.! I was hesitant to buy it, but it really was worth the money. Having the Navionics on a touch screen is really a great thing). Non-Fishing Related: - Smartphone (Never imagined how much a smartphone really changes a lot of things you do in life. Really convenient, though the bills associated with it are not). - Visio (This program is incredible. For what I do, I find this program to be invaluable). - Vehicle GPS System (I never realized how much I relied on this thing until my Garmin was stolen). What is on your list?
  13. Rock Bass are such a pain. You get that nice hit and you are hoping you are setting the hook into a 4 or 5 lb. Smallmouth only to quickly find out it is a Rock Bass. In Erie, you could easily catch 30 a day.
  14. I had some momumental days on Erie as well. Anyone who has fished that lake with some regularity has had at least one 100+ fish day. Great fishery.
  15. Why is fluoro. not the right line for jerkbaits? I use 12 lb. fluoro. for jerkbaits all the time. I think it works great.
  16. If Larry Dahlberg uses it muskie fishing, I think it will be fine for swimbait fishing for bass (at minute 3:04 of the video, he switches his rod and reel to the Curado 50)
  17. I recently purchased an IPhone and I saw Navionics had an app for various regions, but when I went to that app store today, it only has Navionics for the U.S. and for U.S. and Canada. Did they ditch the regions and just put it all in one app.? Just making sure if I purchase the U.S. app, I am getting the level of detail I would have received if I purchased the regions app. Thanks in advance for your help.
  18. Well, my answer will change with the season. For the summer, I am loving my G Loomis GLX BCFR863 and Shimano Core 100MgFV. Really smooth rod for pitching and flipping into medium to heavy cover. Just give me a lake with a lot of weeds and this combo won't leave my hands.
  19. Hmmm...I'm not quite sure about your theory. If you have sharp hooks, a whippy or stout rod should be able to bury the hooks past the barb. If I knew I was going to use dull hooks, then I would want a stiff rod to be able to bury them home. With that being said, I like the best of both worlds, which is why I like Moderate-Fast action rods for treble hooked lures. I feel that action gives me the ability to set the hooks, but also has enough give to not allow the fish to throw the hooks when close to the boat.
  20. I think the Pflueger Supreme is hard to beat at any price. Great Reel.
  21. Uh...correction. This reel is from Taiwan, so I doubt it is authentic, but the Pfluger Supreme is an incredible reel and can readily be found for $79.99 (which I know is more than what you stipulated).
  22. For $2.99 more, you can have this reel. http://cgi.ebay.com/Pflueger-Supreme-MG-8035MG-Spinning-Reel-/120718201148?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1b5d913c In my opinion, one of the best spinning reels going.
  23. Can't really help you with the rod (there are a ton of good options), but I think the best spinning reel under $100 is the Pflueger Supreme. I have 9 of these reels and they go on everything from my Cabelas XML's to my G Loomis NRX Drop Shot Rod.
  24. Well, if you want the best, here you go: http://cgi.ebay.com/Shimano-Stella-2500-FE-G-Loomis-NRX-822S-SYR-Ceramics-/220764432942?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item336695ea2e It may end up costing a fortune, but you won't be able to get the smile off your face while your using it.
  25. Here is my suggestion: G Loomis GLX BSR852 (You can find a good deal on one of these for less than $300 on either a forum or eBay) Pflueger Supreme 8030 (Again, you can get one of these on eBay for around $70 to $80 new) After fishing with this combo, you would not want to fish another, so no reason to buy two mid priced set-ups. Also, you can easily fish bass with this combo. Panfish maybe a little more challenging (I don't know how well this would cast 1/16 oz. crappie jig), but you could certainly cast out a crappie jig on a bobber with this set-up (a technique I found to be deadly when I used to fish for crappie).
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