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Lucky Craft Man

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Everything posted by Lucky Craft Man

  1. Yeah, that clear coat really changes it up and brings them to life. You know the best part of each of those fish, Scott? I was able to text you while you were at work a picture of each of them right after capture and see your reaction of hating life at that moment...heh heh (I know it’s mean, but your reaction to every one at the time was classic).
  2. Thanks Tom. One of my daughters said, "It looks like they are swimming." I know trying to get a "dynamic" mount could fail miserably, but Joe I think nailed this one. I especially like the fish with his mouth closed as he is right behind the lure. It really does look like he is about to do some mean things to that tube. Thanks. Unfortunately, I may spend a little too much time thinking about fishing as the thought process on that layout was an evolving stream of daydreams while I should have been working.
  3. Well, after I hung it up and brought Mrs. Lucky Craft into the room, her response was, "That is a big display!” So I don't think she was as impressed as I was...haha. However, this is my 4th replica and they haven't ended up in the attic (yet). Though, I am always affraid that the next one will be the straw that broken the camels back, so I need to tread lightly as I go. Thanks. I agree, the different color phases on smallmouth are just incredible and I feel lucky that each of those fish I caught displayed that.
  4. Thanks, A-Jay. To be honest, I'm not sure which part of that process was the most fun. Obviously without the catch, there is no replica, but the planning and now the delievery seems to be a joy that goes on and on as I look at it.
  5. You are probalby looking at $16 to $20 per inch plus shipping costs (maybe $50 to $80), if the person you choose is not local. Also, any additionals, like rocks, woods, plaques, etc. ($40 to maybe $150) would be extra as well.
  6. Thanks. I also tried displaying the three phases of a strike. The bottom fish is the first phase of interest and approach. The middle fish is enguaged in the second phase, which is the strike. The top fish in demonstrating the third phase, which is the detection and hook set. Also, it helps that each fish had a distinctly different color pattern, which I think sets off the display.
  7. I have been very fortunate to have caught three 7 lb. Smallmouth in my life and after catching my third last Spring, I thought I needed to commemorate those catches. I reached out to several taxidermists and artists with a sketch of my idea and a lot got back to me interested in the work, but one by one, I decided not to choose them (either they couldn't get the molds in the size and shape I wanted the fish, price was very high, etc.). Then I decided to contact someone who to me was more known for musky replicas than anything else (he actually did my musky replica) and I asked him if he was interested and could do the display. He was more than excited after I showed him my diagram. So I sent him pictures and dimensions of my three fish along with the lures I caught them on and off he went. Well, today I received that display and I was blown away! Here is the diagram I showed him… And here is the display he created… He far exceeded my expectations and I wondered why I didn’t consider him for this display in the first place. I know guys ask questions about different taxidermists or artists they could use for a replica so I thought I would share my experience and results with Joe Fittante of Fittante Taxidermy & Fish Replicas, who as it turns out not only produces incredible Musky Replicas, but certainly produces extraordinary bass replicas as well. Thanks again, Joe!! Here are a few close-ups of the fish...
  8. Beautiful fish! What were the dimensions on that sucker?
  9. Holy Bass Slugfest!! What Giants you all Caught!! Dwight, any thoughts of a replica for that pig?
  10. I like 28 IPT for jerkbaits.
  11. This is the interesting to me. Have you fished these fly rods before? First, what blank does he use? Second, what weight does he make them in? I just purchased a 1 Piece NRX Pro-1 in a 12 wt., which has the potential of being an incredible musky rod. I also have a 1-piece 9’2” “15 wt.” Fly Rod that is beyond incredible for casting heavy lines. But, I always like to keep in-touch with what is out there.
  12. Scott Hovanec has made a lot of custom rods for me including this beast of a Musky Rod... Top of the line work (and very nice guy).
  13. Now how did I miss that!?!? Great looking Musky! That right there is the reason Michigan is the best fishing state. You can catch monster Smallmouth, huge Musky, there are nice Steelhead Runs on the West (and used to have Killer salmon runs, but I hear that is dying down). Not much more you need after that.
  14. Giant Musky? That’s what I want see!
  15. Heh heh...I would need to fish Lake Menderchuck to even think of having a shot at an 8! Haha...True.
  16. TOXIC, that'e exactly where I was. For years, I perused a 7, only to get close with several nice 6's. Then I finally caught one and a replica was a must. Then I caught one last year and thought that catching 2 was a miracle and another replica was needed. Now a year later with this one, I'm pretty sure a replica is warranted, but if this insane luck continues, where do I end the replicas, because soon my wife will have me sleeping in the shed with smallmouth replicas all around...heh heh.
  17. This appears to be a lucky train I have been riding. My first 7 pound Smallmouth occurred in May of 2013... Then last year, lightening struck again... Well wouldn't you know it, I was able to get a day on the water with my Buddy and the fishing was tough. Actually, it was so bad, I only caught one fish the whole day. However, that one fish tipped the scales right at 7 pounds, so I can't think of it as being all that bad of a day. I will say, these 7 pounders are a joy to catch and with each one I luck into, I am so very grateful, because I understand how rare they are and know the chances of another one are very slim, if not impossible. I wll also say, when that scale settled in and locked on "7.0" (we weighed it twice and both times, it locked in on 7.0) I was in disbelief and then shock hit me as I knew there would go another $400+ on a replica...heh heh. Here is the latest 7 Pound Smallmouth added to the Family...
  18. All my bass rod and reel combos (both baitcasting and spinning) balance right where my middle finger on my palming hand is placed. I add weight to the end of the butt of every rod to make sure this is the case.
  19. Oh wait, you said "Bass" Meme. I didn't see the "B"
  20. My Top Five are all Smallmouth (actually, this is the first year I went the whole year without even catching a single Largemouth) 7-2 6-3 6-3 6-0 5-12 Total of 31 lb. 4 oz.
  21. What a PIG! I wonder how many people tried looking up Lake Menderchuck...haha.
  22. Congratulations!!! Great Looking Fish!! Is there a replica in your future?
  23. I think I need a new pair of pants. What a FISH! That is what I dream of there.
  24. Top Picture: Estimated 9 lb. Smallmouth Bottom Picture: Weighed (on calibrated scale) 7 lb. 2 oz. Smallmouth I Caught This Year I would say his fish is a good two pounds heavier than the one I caught.
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