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Lucky Craft Man

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Lucky Craft Man last won the day on October 14 2020

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About Lucky Craft Man

  • Birthday 02/14/1975

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  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Community Answers

  1. I always enjoying seeing what peoples “lists” would be when it come to fishing. As James said, this is a list for where he is from and where he fishes. My list would probably have 3 or 4 spinning rods, because I fish the Great Lakes mostly. I just love the variety in fishing.
  2. I have had 3 replicas shipped from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania and one from California to Pennsylvania. All arrived in great shape. Those replica makers know how to package those works of art. I don’t think I would worry.
  3. I have to admit, I have always loved this debate. Actually, I like thinking about all the major species I fish for and what their size equivalence would be compared to the Gold Standard of the 10lb Largemouth. What makes it a challenge is all the different fisheries and the “depends where you fish” argument. However, I like to think of it as there are no constraints where you can fish, what would the comparison be. Since not many of us really have that opportunity and data, except for maybe Dwight due to his years of being able to fish prime Smallmouth and Largemouth waters, I would have to defer to his opinion. With that being said, I know Dwight has also fished prime water for walleye, musky, northern pike, lake trout, etc. and I would love to hear where he thinks the trophy threshold is for all those fish when compared to the 10lb. Largemouth.
  4. I am going with a Burbot. I’ve tried in some harsh conditions at night to try and catch one, but have yet to do so.
  5. That is the one thing about Joe Fittante, you will wait a while for one of his masterpieces. In my opinion, it is worth the wait. I remember you posting you were thinking about ordering a replica from him. Make sure you post a picture when you recieve it. As I mentioned, I love seeing different replicas.
  6. This was my 5th Replica and I love looking at every one. I hope I am lucky enough to catch more Replica Worthy Fish and have my house look like a Cabelas (though, my wife might veto that idea, but that's my plan). Joe does a great job capturing that dynamic still pose. Thanks Dwight! I know there are much bigger Walleye out there, but I figured I coulldn't wait as I never fish for them and just like designing replica poses..haha. Thanks A-Jay. No, the pictures don't really do it justice as the most captivating part is the merging of the 2-D image with the 3-D look of the Walleye, Rocks, and Lure. Thanks Thanks again. I appreciate the comments. Thanks. Joe does incredible work. I just need to catch more fish for him to do before he decides to retire one day. I don't have a back up guy since Lyons & O'haver closed.
  7. I posted about catching this Walleye in the Spring... I debated about whether to get a Replica made of this Fish or not (as there are certainly bigger Walleye out there). However, I realized a nice Walleye Replica would look better than any decoration my wife may choose (don't get me wrong, she has good taste in interier design, I just think a good looking Replica Display is like a work of Art and something I would prefer to look at). Instead of shopping around for guys who could do the work, I went back to the guy who did my Smallmouth Replica Display and Musky Replica (Joe Fittante of Fittante Taxidermy & Fish Replica). I figured why look around when you already found one of the best. Here's the work he has done for me in the past... As I like to do, I made a sketch of how I wanted the Fish and Rocks to be made and sent it off to Joe. Well, Joe took that drawing and delivered gold, like he always does. The Replica and Rocks arrived a few days before Christmas and were put up for a Christmas Day Surprise (the surprise was mostly for my wife as she didn't know I ordered it and I figured she couldn't tell me to take something down that Santa delivered, could she?) Without the bow... The best part of the Surprise was that my wife actually liked it. She said it "had character with good colors and clean presentation," vs. the Musky replica that she is not a fan of, because it is "too big" (a problem I was happy about). I hope you guys don't mind me sharing my Christmas Gift with you all as I do enjoy seeing other Replicas people have done. Also, Happy Holidays to you all and may 2021 bring a Replica Worthy Fish Catching Year.
  8. Make sure to post pictures of the replica when it’s done. I love seeing those works of “art” as I an quite the collector as well...haha.
  9. Who is doing your replica?
  10. A bump board is a wonderful thing. Your office may have to institute a measuring device requirement (i.e., Bump Board) into this contest to help eliminate the need for photographic interpretation. I’m not sure of the prize, but if I were the other guy, I think he has a legitimate argument over the skepticism of 41” for your fish (assuming theirs is real close to that, like 40.5”).
  11. My buddy and I thought maybe we would give the Lake Trout run a shot as we never really targetted them before. After floundering for most of the day trying to figure out what to do and where to go, we stumbled upon what looked like just a stack of fish on the bottom. About the third cast into this spot, something hit HARD. After a nice fight, we slipped him into the net... Not a giant by any means, but it certainly was a fun catch.
  12. My Buddy and I were out fishing and not doing particularly well. During the really slow period we started talking about different fishing techniques when he asked if I had ever caught a fish on an A-Rig. I told him I had an A-Rig (I bet all of us do), but never even fished it (like I assume a lot of us haven’t). He then said, “Well, if you have it, I challenge you to catch a fish on one today.” I figured, what did I have to lose as we weren’t really doing great on anything else, so Challenge Accepted. I untangled the wires from the hooks of other lures and threw on whatever paddle tails I had. Then I chucked that hunk of bent wire and flailing rubber out into the vast expanse. Well, it didn’t take long as this fish absolutely crushed that A-Rig on my second cast. She had a belly that was so abnormally fat, it looked like it is trying to bulge out of the picture. She went 6lb 6oz., which is a fish that will turn around any slow day. After I released the fish, I turned to my Buddy and said, “Challenge Complete.”
  13. WOW! That is a BIG Flathead!! Great Story and fish. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Nice! Classic pose. I think you will be more than satisfied. I have had my display for over 2 months and I still just stand there and stare at it in admiration. I suspect you will, too, once yours is finished.
  15. Congratulations on the Catch! What pose did you choose and are you getting anything special done (e.g., rocks, wood, etc.)?
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