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About RyanDR

  • Birthday December 13

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Middlesex County, MA
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Other Interests

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  1. Well seems this thread picked back up. As of posting 3 years ago my colors still stand, but add in a purple/black with flash. Some very productive days, especially this winter.
  2. The Cabelas, Bass Pro along with other smaller shops still sell lead in MA. Just can't use it. And by the looks of the shelves they do quite well selling those products.
  3. Hi all, I was wondering if the lead ban is actually enforced? I live in MA but fish all over New England. I eliminated all lead sinkers a while ago but honestly still use my hand poured lead jigs that I powder paint. I have never been stopped and had my tackle inspected, but I often fish off the beaten path so I hardly ever see any wildlife officers anyway. I am working on switching my productions over to lead free pouring, but lead free pouring is so much more expensive. I know the ban was targeted ot Loons supposedly ingesting lead sinkers, which many disagree with. But using non-lead materials is probably just better for our waters and individual health anyway (even if on a small scale), so I thought I should make the switch eventually. Thoughts? Anybody ever been stopped?
  4. Looks awesome! This is how my work area is turning out. I like the shelves on the back of your bench!
  5. A well thought out work area is just as important as making the baits IMO. I'm brainstorming and planning how I want my indoor setup for mainly tackle and rod making along with other random stuff. Looking to move a lot of my stuff into my apartment from my stuffy detached garage in my apartment complex(It's getting cold again in New England). -Ryan
  6. I usually try a few times a year on the Merrimack and Concord River. I’ve found them spawning/jumping in early July every year and usually go back to those spots later to try and catch them. No luck!! I’ve been using corn and a dough recipe I found online on a Carolina type sinker rig. Any tips? I’m dying to catch my first carp. Any tips on depth or bottom structure, sandy, weedy? I have a boat so I can go anyway in the rivers. Thanks in advance, Ryan
  7. I wonder how much they question and look into where you caught the fish.
  8. I have never really kept a record or paid too much attention to be PB’s before. Just rough lengths on my rod as I put a few thread marker spots so I can quickly measure an estimate of the fish on my rod. Anyway I believe I found a pond that I have a good chance of beating the possibly the yellow perch and a better chance of the sunfish record. Sunfish is 12” and yellow perch is 16.50”. I also have a feeling some huge pickerel in there as well. I caught around a 25” pickerel last year. I’ve caught plenty of sunfish at least over 10” and bigger before. I have caught the sunfish with big bass lures before. But the problem is this pond is almost completely untouched. Only access is either a .5 mile portage with canoe/kayak or one of the 3 houses that have paths to it. No shore access as it’s too swampy. I have had my best days here, caught 50+ bass in only an hour or two. One of the places were you can throw almost anything and at least catch a few. I only found this place because I found it in an old fishing book. I only fish it a few times as year as its far away. It would be a shame if more people caught on to this place. Who would reveal your honeyhole for a state record?
  9. I’ve has to retire some of my older or favorite lures as I couldn’t bear to lose them. My 2nd crankbait ever made is all lumpy and looks like it wouldn’t catch a thing but I’ve caught more fish on that than any other I’ve made. I no longer use it.
  10. My goal is to make everything I need for fishing. I make hardbaits, jigs, and spinners so far and my own rods so far. But the past year money and limited time gets in the way so my supply is down. Whoever said you would save money making your own lures is dead wrong. The little time I had over this winter was spent building and working on my boat. So I'm ending up having to unfortunately buy some lures to hold me over until next winter when I make baits when it snows. Don't want to spend too much time in my hot garage this summer when my time is better spent on the water. How about you all?
  11. Went to the Merrimack last week in the Metheun area. About 5-6 12 inch small mouth in 2 hours. Saw a few dead fish floating down the river. Wonder if it was from the recent pollution or just coincidence. Heading to Taunton River this week looking for my first bowfin. Anybody recommend a boat launch for the freshwater side?
  12. Haven't made a rod in a year or two and was sad to learn St. Croix is no longer selling blanks. I have 2 rods I built on 7ft ML-F SCIII blanks. I love that blank because I feel confident throwing 90% of applications and have caught micro fish less than an inch to big bass and pickerel with it. The 2 piece is my bank fishing rod and its a great all around rod for when I don't want to carry more than 1 rod. It's got a nice soft sensitive tip but a strong backbone which allows me to throw light lures far but also throw heavier lures as well. I love it could throw my 1/16 and 1/8 hair jigs pretty far. Anyway... Basically looking for a rod like the 7ft ML-F SCIII but with a little slower action.
  13. Nice fish! Was this in MA?
  14. So I’m in the market for a used canoe. I’ll mainly be carrying it in to a few hard to reach spots. Up to a 2-3 mile round trip. Been using an older kayak 10 feet about 45 lbs with no problem carrying, but I don’t like kayak as much. Anything to look out for? Length? Style? I was thinking a 12-16 footer but not sure on length. I want something fairly stable but don’t want to be paddling around a brick. I have my eye on a 16foot Old Town Penobscot but worried it will be a little long carrying through the woods between rocks and trees. Also I’ll be solo 75% of the time. Thought about a Radisson Canoe, but worried about the thin metal. I’m prone to banging my kayak into trees and rocks when carrying and will be fishing in a few rocky spots.
  15. Yep it was Dirty Missions. Thanks guys. It was actually a pretty bad show but it had a cool concept that could have been done better. I randomly thought of the show and tried to think of it all week.
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