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About jkniffen

  • Birthday 05/09/1974

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    <p>Killeen, TX</p>

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  1. I had the classic accessories arrow backpacker and loved it. I was able to inflate it with a cigarette lighter pump while I assembled the rest of the boat. Total assemble time, with empty pontoons, was about 30-45 minutes. If you can keep them inflated, alot less time. On the water, they are easy to fish out of and very comfortable. It takes a little getting used to the oars, but once you figure it out it is great for small ponds. If you get one, ensure you get an anchor. Being pushed around in the wind was the only down fall, but a 3lb anchor took care of it. Enjoy. Jason
  2. I am an Army Major currently stationed at Ft Hood, TX.
  3. That was awesome. My eyes are still watering from laughing.
  4. I know how you feel. I recently had a similar experience on my first trip to Lake Fork. Don't let one outing spoil your impression of the lake, though. There are a number of factors that could contribute to the fish not biting. Be grateful for the opportunity to have 2 uninterrupted days on the lake with your dad. That is what should be important and that is what I did. The catching was bad, but the trip was great. Besides, there will be other opportunities to catch the big ones.
  5. I finally made my long awaited trip to Lake Fork 28-29 Jun, but didn't do as well as I had hoped. My dad and I had a guide for both days, but the weather had almost shut the fish down completely. The first day I blanked and my dad caught one small one on artificial, then our guide offered us the choice to use live bait the next day to possibly save our trip. We fished shiners on day 2 and did a little better. I caught one about 4 pounds, lost another when she snapped the line, and my dad caught 5 LM and a catfish, the biggest being 4-12. I had hoped for more but I guess you cannot control the weather. Our guide did a great job both days trying to put us on fish, but it just wasn't in the cards. To make matters worse, the picture of the one I did catch didn't take, so I have no proof of my new PB. Overall, the catching was disappointing and frustrating, but the trip was great being able to fish a great lake with my dad for two uninterrupted days. It is something I look forward to doing again. Jason
  6. I am stuck on 56. Anyone have any hints? It is the one you with the colored dots. Thanks
  7. I ran into the same problem last Thursday. I thought I had a good hook set. I fought her all the way to the boat, but as soon as I went to lip her, she opened her mouth and the frog slipped out. I said a few choice words as I watched her swim away.
  8. Active Army 11A 1997-present Currently at Ft Hood
  9. I was fortunate enough to be able to be there when my 7 year old son caught his first bass this past Saturday. It went a whoppin 5 ounces on the digital, but you have to start somewhere. I'm still not sure who was more excited, me or him.
  10. I don't have any experience with the Creek Company pontoon, but own the Classic Accessories Arrow Baqckpacker, which is only $25 more and I would highly recommend it. It is easy to assemble and stores nicely in the provided backpack. Once on the water it is easy to maneuver and very comfortable to sit in for hours. Also, the storage is very convenient and able to store whatever you would need for several hours on the water.
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