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Tery Songz

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Everything posted by Tery Songz

  1. i hate bullheads you eat them?
  2. https://gyazo.com/09a7283e16c2065ccdd8bd5a9a34b44b the red patch is so i dont give out where i live if you were wondering those black lines are a somewhat accurate representation of laydowns (submerged trees) its about 7-15 ft deep there and i would rather not fish its always steep and if you slip you are litteraly screwed. your gonna get a bath. any other areas of the lake good to fish? i cant pass that blue line to the right side since its private property that 3 is in the middle its litteraly around like 3 feet deep there thats where i always cast and pull out bullheads, there annoying under that 3 the shoreline theres is about 1 ft to 2 ft to 3 ft to 4 ft then the middle to the left of the 3 on the shoreline is about maybe 3-5 ft deep then a little further you reached that 3 ft deep in the middle at north of the 3 that shorelines about 4 ft to 6 ft deep there if you could tell me how to figure out where the channels are if theres any that would be great. heres another picture https://gyazo.com/63f18418873936086206707401a80540 that blue swiggle is a small stream when it gets flooded its big enough to allow fish to travel that stream connects to the lake and the nonconnah creek. yes chicken smell is allergic to me i dont know why but i cant breath near a dead or live chicken cooked chicken doesent seem to be a problem but i cant cook it cooked probaly wouldent work either night crawlers would get me nothing but bullheads i thought nightcrawlers are bad for this situation since bullheads get to them first, the first time i fished here about 5 yrs ago my dad caught a 16-18 inch catfish and it was channel catfish shaped and a bit slender i doubt it was a bullhead so im sure there is some channels maybe, do bullheads compete with channels and not allow them to spawn for example? if theres catfish in here i wouldent be surprised if theres 100 pound blue cats since this lake is dozens of years old before it was a apartment complex and it was fed by the nonconnah creek so it should have some HUGE catfish if theres any other then bullheads
  3. im allergic to chicken i cant use it i tried and got sick one time, any other good baits
  4. its not a public lake its an apartment complex and theres a way to be able to get to the lake not alot of people fish it , the thing has monster crappie and monster bass in it if i cut a bluegills head off and cast it out with a carolina rig should i get a bite from channels/blues if theres any? or would i get only bullheads the lake at the complex tho is huge a few dozen acres heres a screen shot from maps
  5. i go fishing at this lake and i dont think i ever caught a channel all i ever catch when catfishing is digusting ole black bullheads they dont get big not a good fight either, is there anyway that i can tell if this lake has channel or blue cats? ive used worms bread dough , dough bait hot dogs and always catch bullheads the lake was a natural made lake and the property was bought and turned into an apartment complex they stocked the lake with bass etc and im not sure if they stocked bullheads instead of channels, i heard they kept fish there to keep the lake clean etc do you think they would add bullheads instead of channels because im pretty sure the stocking prices is cheaper? if i carolina rig a cut bluegill head and cast it out would a channel/blue take it? where would i cast it at? just wondering if i should stop wasting my time for channels/blues here and bass fish this lake instead
  6. hey man check out my last few posts on my profile and i replied to a thread with the locations to grove. if not chekc out the memphis pond hopper thread in the SE fishing forum. you can go to johnson rd park im not stoping you but i highly would reccomend you go to another pond. johnson road is such a small pond that it gets overfished easy with people eating all the bass. twra stocks most areas annually and since its a small pond they will probaly stock it after the spawn is my guess, my 2 cents is to go to grove with some soft plastic lures and get some bass. i dont know a whole lot but this is just what i would do good luck
  7. im not trying to sound rude or anything. but ive fished johnson road park a few times and its over fished. they isnt even a single catfish in there from what ive seen. i went there about 5 times recently and i used all sorts of baits and didnt even catch a catfish and i tried bass fishing alot. if anything your catching a dink (a really small bass) its over fished i reccomend you fish at grove park or at nashoba those both have crappie and bass. grove has some big ones. good luck. just release the bass tho please i caught a 8.1 pounder about a few days ago at grove so theres some big ones
  8. hey guys, im going to be hitting some memphis tn ponds at around 4-5:30 today, any one have any idea what it will be like and any advice how to fish today, what baits i should use etc, i ran out of ribbon tail worms so i bought a pack (there on sale for 1.00 a bag of berkley ribbon tails large size) from walmart should i texas rig it weightless or not? any idea what i should do. thanks tight lines and a bluegill to tear your soft plastics while your bass fishing!
  9. im going to nashoba and grove today with todays weather what do you recommend lures/gear/retrives and what parts of grove and nashoba should i fish at? thanks
  10. LOL im sorry im the type of guy that cant get onto tommarow without telling a joke. sorry about the peacock and smallie thing lol, and i was actually serious about the vegatation. and ill try out shelby farms this summer but glenn springs is to far from germantown and i dont own a boat either
  11. i went to grove and nashoba yesterday and only caught 1 3 pounder at grove, i didnt see much vegatation if any at those 2 ponds. would it be a good idea purchase some type of seeds or something to throw in both ponds for the vegatation to grow? i havent seen much places in memphis where you can throw a frog or a mouse.
  12. hey man i would go fishing at grove (the pond near houston middle school) if you dont have any luck there then go on google maps and try to find a pond or a lake on google maps that isnt too well known, there is herb parsons, when you go there do NOT fish any where near the boat ramp areas or near the benchs, there is so many snags i went catfishing and got all 6 poles snagged in less then 5 minutes there seems to be cables, laydowns, etc even with weedless lures i got snagged, also there doesent seem to be much fish there, i think from all the angling pressuare the bass have learned to live else where, if you got a boat your fine but if your bank fishing you should walk atleast half a mile to find a unfished part of the lake, also you need to pay to fish there, ive been there several times all you gotta do is park no where near the little hut near the boat ramp and take your fishing gear and fish if you dont wanna pay to fish there, done it a dozen times (LOL) theres some big crappie/bass in there watch out of for all the cottonmouths/copperheads the people there also recommend you kill any venomous snakes since its a public park... good luck and tell me what happens
  13. hey guys, ive been fishing all local germantown/collerville tn ponds/lakes lately and heres the fishing report! bass are not deep and dont seem to be stationed near cover, all my fish caught today were no more then 10ft away from the banks ive caught all fish today on a bass pro shops xps squarebill sorta sexy shad color, ive been picking up lots of weeds/leaves will fishing and ive seen lots of bass making splashes ontop of the water, the bass are keying in on shad/bluegill bait fish only one of the 4 fish i caught today had sore lips and i caught it near some rocks so it seems that they wouldent mind a crawfish pattern bait aslong as its near some rocks or some cover, decently strong winds coming in about every 20 minutes, weather isnt cold and the bass have lots of color on em so they are up shallow feeding on the baitfish that are eating on plants and what not, good luck just my 2 cents on what bait to use and what the bass are eating, all fish caught were no more then 18 inches they were all 1-2 pounds the fish are LIGHTLY hitting my baits to the point i thought i was reeling in weeds, i wasent setting the hooks i caught all of em on the back treble hook and they were setting the hooks themselves too wish is great, tight lines, post your pics please
  14. i didnt catch it at grove i caught it at a private pond im interesting in knowing how theres fry when no fish spawned apperently
  15. hey i meet you guys at grove yesterday you were some of the nicest people, i left my tackle box at home and you allowed me to use several of your baits. once i left i forgot to return you your rapala clackin rap you gave me to borrow http://www.basspro.com/Rapala-Clackin-Rap/product/10202465/ i apprecaite you helping me but i dont want you to loose a 12 dollar bait, i am wondering if you will be at the grove today so i can give you back your lure or you can pm me what color shirt you were wearing and your adress/number so i can return back to you thanks - tery
  16. i didnt know what it was it isnt a demon i was just describing how crazy it was, turns out i couldent stand it took my net and found out it was a disoreinted/injured bluegill i saw pics and it looked like a 10 pounder because of the size of the belly i dont think you saw how fat the stomach was on it anyways some guy say it was 4 and some change or maybe even a 10, i know ur jelous i was just joking around lmao i seen some few milimeter long fish so it seemed like the bass have spawned and there fry is up, dont belive me? ill take some videos i dont know where the heck fry sized fish came from since no one stocks this place
  17. i never said i saw a donkey im saying i saw something that looks like a bug and just spins in circles in the water like a donkey with a carrot attached to a helmet lol, im describing how crazy the thing was i always see em and i was wondering what are they, you know those thing that just spin in the water???
  18. ok have you seen em? because im sure im not the only one who has seen a little thing spin like a donkey with a carrot helmet around the darn pond LOL
  19. fished grove and i saw some weird/fish/demon or what ever it was on the water all they do is spin and im surprised bluegill/fry never eat them so are they like an animal or a underwater whirlpool or something could some one tell me what they are? any one else see em at grove?
  20. actually they arent kvds there bass pro shops brand squarebills there about 3 bucks cheaper than kvds they have nice hooks and paint jobs http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Navigation?storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&searchTerm=bass+pro+shops+squarebill when ever i go back to buy some more flurocarbon ill pick some more up, do you know how much that bass weighs? im guessing 8 pounds but it looks like 10?
  21. EDIT: ok heres some pics i didnt scale it also im just guessing it could be 10 pound idk, if some one could guesstamite the weight of the fish lemme know because i wanna know if i have a new PB my pb is 7 pounds
  22. im just curious ive been to lebanon and didnt expect a river full of rainbow trout but i just got on the this part of the forum and was surprised to see theres bass and such at places such as africa so im wondering if theres bass in the middle east, since rainbow trout are there.
  23. is there any bass in arab countries. im sure there is but if theres some in africa im sure theres bass there? any one know, i know theres rainbow trout in lebanon
  24. thanks! so if the fish is dead it should be floating? can it be under water? since im going there again and want to catch some more bass there.
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