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Tery Songz

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 0-1 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    one with the most fish and less pressured
  • Other Interests
    hunting crafting trapping

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  1. thats true. this aint 1600 where people using twigs with sharp ends to catch fish. now adays there pollution man made chemicals that will blow your mind and just about everything. theres only a few of these virgin bodies of water out there. and giving em out is recipe for disaster
  2. whats good areas for a begineer to go trout fishing in the rockies in TN. coming in from memphis i need a good place that i can get to quickly and have fun with a fly rod for a begineer. im going after trout and small mouth. whats good flies for brooks browns and rainbows right now? would be cool to have a few streams to fish in for 2 days or so.
  3. tell ya what. i fish at this giant honey hole that is loaded with bass. a guy caught a 15 pounder a few years ago ive seen a big mama sitting between a boulder 2 years ago about 7 lbs i caught my pb of 7.5 there if that 15 pounder still alive the tn record is sitting there. thing is i dont own a scale and the old managment of the property had a no fishing sign. the new owner doesent care about if you fish there and the signs still there. so im not sure if that would disqualify me if i caught it. im on low budget and scared of throwing anyything near a 15 foot deep oak tree laydown. you could set a tent on that laydown. one of these but under water https://gyazo.com/4a0c61debdb9b32518bb60d65231a9f5 looking at google maps that laydown been there for over 30 years so im sure the small twigs rotted maybe only a couple of long branches remain
  4. if you can live in bass pro shops. just not on the customer service table. the elderly dudes that work at the fishing area seem nice.
  5. i fish a honey hole 15 lbers giant oak tree laydown in about 15 feet of water amazing drop offs and coves and creeks epic vegatation rocky litteraly a millionare designed bass lake thats wild. only a few fish it lots of the bass i catch have hook holes in there lips meaning they have been released which is great. except for this one guy who takes his whole family fishing and leaves with about 5 fish every day he took out 3 10 lbers and fillet them. i decided to keep about 30 blue gill there one time during the spawn just for food and i found tons of parasites . all throw them away i never eat bass and last time i ate a bluegill is over 10 years ago.just mad that a epic bass lake is being ruined by 1 guy for a bass to reach 10 lbs it takes years. i saw a few 5-12 large mouth meaning it takes a while for them to grow in that lake. nontheless the amount of bullheads in there make it worse. dont know if i can talk him out of releasing them.
  6. night fishing is a myth it doesent really do much. best time to fish is before the sun rises or after the day cools down after 5 or 4
  7. do you have a gps with you. ask your local fisherman i added it in as a joke. or you can actually swim down who knows or not a gps sorry. a fish finder. http://www.diversdirect.com/scuba-diving/pelagic-fish-finder-bikini-top?utm_source=google_pla&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=138747&gclid=Cj0KEQjwjem-BRC_isGJlJ-0h-MBEiQAbCimWGvq0hvZuooHqruRbQFA-nnELG_IULQHNbuYR2Vx_QIaAjrV8P8HAQ
  8. http://www.speedousa.com/goggles/goggles-all/speed-socket-goggle/style-7500654
  9. i went fishing at johnson park 3 days ago the one in collerville. was catfishing using a gut hooked dead 1 lb lmb i make into fillets for catfish. no cat bites and no luck. no one was getting lucky. so i caught like 5 longnose gar. one was 37 inches one 30 and one was like 18 i kept one for bait. couldent cut through it and throwed it away the rest i threw back in the pond. i read online there invasive. should i kill em and throw em away or toss em back in. all i can see is shad jumping and gar swimming uptop the water. i think its bad for some of the fish. all the bluegills are staying like 20 feet of any gar.
  10. thanks man. the creel limit is 7 right.?
  11. see i saw that 22$ and i got confused but its for annual trout. im going to be fishing park ponds stocked in the winter. https://www.tn.gov/twra/article/resident-fishing-license-j1 it says all species 11.50 does that mean i can fish trout with that license? one day fishing is 6.50 does that include trout? any one know? i dont want to spend 22$ i can barley put a roof on my head.
  12. im a tn resident and wondering how much a license to catch trout is in tennessee. the twra website is too confusing. any one know how much for trout fishing and a link please. thanks
  13. yesterday the bite for me was epic. every bass was biting. the pond i fish has the water level high and it made some areas really shallow i spooked two 3 lbers sitting in 1 foot of water. they were probaly feeding on crawfish. didnt catch anything. but i went to a lake here in memphis and the bass was all crazy. the small bass were near the weeds feeding on insects and small fish from this years spawn. i there a senko and a small swim jig with a crawfish trailer on them weeds a few times and caught about 2 small dinks. then i went to a shallow part of the pond 1/2 feet and i threw in any soft plastic and jigged it off the bottom and it would get hit in seconds. my squarebill didnt do much. i even put it in there faces, they seem to be loving soft plastics like senkos,lizards,crawfish type baits too. watermelon green is working best. i forgot to mention i caught about 5-7 bass yesterday only 3 or so were big about 1.5-2 lbs one 12 inch dink died i gut hooked him and blood was all pouring from him. i threw him back he struggled for 5 mins then floated up and died unfortuantly. rest were small. i was focusing mostly on small fish. since i had my ultralight and tips on how to catch a 10 lber. a woman there told me she sees people pulling out giant bass out of there should i fish big bass in open water or near a laydown i know there. whats a good bait for a 10 lber atm
  14. a police officer caught one in a lake no one fish's only a few people and we all knwo each other. all catch and release. 3 years ago he caught a 14 lb lmb. so i guess its over the record right now. just find a big lake that is fed by a stream or something that could hold fish. a dude caught a crappie there thats the size of a laptop screen.
  15. i fish a 2 acre pond with 15 lb large mouths and a TON of 3 inch blue gill i came to it a few days and i see dozens of beds with bluegills all over them are these bluegill beds or bass beds? i saw a 1 inch lmb cruising by its self in the pond so i know the bass should be done spawning. are those bluegill beds. and also what type of fish are those black half inch things that got a white streak through em? i put a dead bluegill for an hour didnt get a bite. think theres catfish in that pond or no?
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