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Everything posted by Ski

  1. It was in the bait and apparently makes some sort of sound, however I have never seen such a thing or heard of it.
  2. Yesterday while watching MLF team series in Florida I watched Randy Howell bounce his top water bait off a bridge pylon. When he brought it in he laughed and said "well my cherper still works" I had no idea what he was referring to until I saw a picture of the bait with the chirper hanging out. ANYONEONE seen or hear of this?
  3. How do they stop the flow ???? is there dam?
  4. Ski


    Curious Dwight, How is a lake drawn down that does not have a dam? I fish lake Orange regularly and it also is way down.
  5. Welcome from Jacksonville Fl.
  6. Since 2015 I believe it is allowed.
  7. Stuck in "Old school" Smithwick Rogue.
  8. I own two and BPS just put them on sale! You can not beat that price point vs the quality.
  9. "It probably wasn't my paint that did it" But hey, it caught fish!
  10. Is the hook big enough for the bait you are using? 5/0 flipping hook @ least 4/0. And snelled.
  11. Lews KVD series. The specs are exactly what you are looking for. I have one and like it and the price point.
  12. What power rod are you using? Regardless, braided line would help.
  13. @Darth-Baiter It has been said Golf is for people that can't fish
  14. Being retired and old...Getting up so darn early.
  15. Not sure how they arrived @ that conclusion.
  16. Then till now.
  17. Can you imagine having 5 fish for 29.75 pounds and finishing 22nd ?
  18. Hello, from Jacksonville FL. also.
  19. A "pattern" is the exact set of water conditions such as depth, cover, structure, temperature, clarity, currents, etc., which have produced bass at similar locations all over the same body of water. It was first defined by the legendary Roland Martin in 1969.
  20. Yes sir that is "The Deal"
  21. No sir.
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