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Everything posted by Ski

  1. Big difference in jigs and targeted species. R/ Chris
  2. The spawn is a process, it is not like flipping a light switch. Male LMB will begin to move in and out of the shallows looking to make beds when water temps are stable above 55 or so. (stable) being the key word. Bass need the water to remain at, or above, 60 degrees for several days in order to spawn. Biologists agree that bass spawn at 65 degrees. They may make several attempts at spawning during this period. R/ Chris
  3. Yes, it works for types of fish. It attracts bait, which attracts small bream and crappie, which attracts LMB. Been doing it in the S.E. for ever. R/ Chris
  4. My thoughts are the minnow will go in one direction and your jig in another unless you are flipping docks or something. Just my two cents, Chris
  5. Looks as though the front is still sitting on top of ya. Looking @ the water the wind looks to be light. I am guessing the fishing will begin to worsen a little as post front conditions move in (high pressure, wind/breeze, sun) Nice fishing.
  6. Yes.
  7. Glad ya had fun ! some real giants come from them old farm ponds. R/ Chris
  8. I am a retired Air Craft Mech. and all aluminum planes were finished with Polyurethane. Darn rear bullet proof finish. R/ Chris
  9. This ^^^
  10. Good fish! R/ Chris
  11. Nice un.
  12. Nice fish! R/ Chris
  13. Welcome and enjoy!
  14. Depends how much the temp dropped. Depends how big the pond is, I would venture to say it could completely shut em off.
  15. Nice fish. R/ Chris
  16. Pretty fish! congrats. Also appears to be your PB. R/ Chris
  17. Jacob, You answered your own questions. Yes, you are @ a disadvantage being a back seater as the boat operator acts as a fish vacuum going down a bank leaving you no virgin water. However most "draw tourneys" I fished always split the time on the bow, let's say 4 hrs and 4 hrs. This is fair, he takes you to his fish then you take him to yours. I have gotten my head handed to me back in the day. Remember the old pistol grip rods? I had a set, and fished a draw tourney on lake Seminole where the boat owner had 7 ft rods, full length handle grips and threw a Carolina rig with a 1oz lead. He cast about 50 yards to a sand bar and limited out in about 15 casts with 5 lbers and left me standing there with my short rods and reels and 1/4 oz T-Rigs. Tough lesson to learn but I did and you will. Keep fishing them I promise it will make you a better fisherman. R/ Chris
  18. Glad you enjoyed the trip, R/ Chris
  19. My grand daughter and her first ever.
  20. Glad you got back on the water with an old friend and had a successful trip. R/ Chris
  21. This^ Trout fishing the beautiful streams is as special as hooking a LM on a grass flat in the heat.
  22. Nice fish for anyone, she is swelling up nicely! R/ Chris
  23. Thanks fella's looks as though I will just stick with Stick Marsh/FP-13 and lake X R/ Chris
  24. Is his new pond stocked? If so how old are his fish? If you introduce larger fish into a pond that is new stock or fingerlings you could decimate your new stock.
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