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Everything posted by Ski

  1. Mine came from "Grassy Pond" in Valdosta.
  2. Heck my partner can tell ya the species and weight of the fish that made a splash behind our backs!
  3. They all do not move up @ once. It is a process, not like flipping a light switch it may take a month or @ least a few weeks.
  4. Tough night for ya! Been there, but it took 30 years before I did.
  5. Nice work. Glad you caught some, there are still some very large Fl. bass in that lake to be caught, however Rodman is by no means the fishery it was before the fish kill in 1985 where over 8 million fish died and an estimated 10,000 over 10 lbs because of oxygen depleted water do to aquatic vegetation over run. But still remains a viable bass factory even though Green Peace and other eco friendly groups want to return it to its natural state and remove the dam which would drain the lake. I wish the state would have put a catch and immediate release on black bass in that lake as they did in the Stick Marsh, Farm-13 and a few others that have proven to be a very effective management plan and would once again bring people from around the country to that fishery. R/ Chris
  6. Did you do West Point ?? or just Altoona and Lanier.
  7. My partner and I left Jacksonville yesterday @ 0300, and were on the lake by 0530 waiting on twilight. We made the quick run to the eel grass and found the fish somewhat cooperative. Spinner baits and top water started the day and as always ended up with stick baits. The fish have not taken up their summer pattern as of yet but should not be long before they pull back and head for the trenches and the 7' water. We ended the fishing day with a couple picture fish and a total of 23 LMB then made the ride back to Jacksonville with the truck A/C wide open the whole way. R/ Chris
  8. Yea, I saw the unpainted led on the bottom side, but a jar of testers paint that I already have is a easy fix. R/ Chris
  9. Great fish and a win, win with the mount !! R/ Chris
  10. Here Ya go. R/ Chris
  11. They are both Pop-R's
  12. Thanks.
  13. One should do until I see how it fishes.
  14. I have one of eight rod and reels dedicated to using hollow body frogs that I use when around the FP-13 slop. I have been eyeing the blue gill imitation baits and like the concept of the predator seeing the silhouette of a gill vs. frog. Anyone have any experience with these baits? I have one on order but not sure how much action it will see this year as our season is rapidly coming to a close. R/ Chris
  15. I have one of eight rod and reels dedicated to using hollow body frogs that I use when around the FP-13 slop. I have been eyeing the blue gill imitation baits and like the concept of the predator seeing the silhouette of a gill vs. frog. Anyone have any experience with these baits? I have one on order but not sure how much action it will see this year as our season is rapidly coming to a close. R/ Chris
  16. If I can't filet it, I will not kill it.
  17. Great.
  18. We traveled to FP-13 on Sunday afternoon and stopped for dinner before hitting the motel for the night. Day one we had a very good day catching and releasing 31 LMB to 7.14 lbs in and around the grass, the top water bite for me, throwing a "Pop R" was off the chart but my partner really struggled throwing a chug bug. Makes no sense but the POP-R out fished the Chug bug 3 to 1. When the sun got up good we pounded em pretty good with Stick-O's in June bug color. Day two, we knew would be short lived as the rain was on its way and suppose to be severe so we struggled to catch 6 fish before getting off the lake around 11 when the thunder and rain commenced. Hope to slip in 1 more trip or so before the extreme heat. R/ Chris
  19. This ^^
  20. Just made reservations, heading back down for another 4 day adventure on Sunday. Could not stand to leave biting fish !!!
  21. Yes sir we are! Arrangements have been made to take it to a welder in the A.M. All is good. R/ Chris
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