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Everything posted by Ski

  1. How I felt watching the Jaguars game last night.
  2. Started out HORRIBLE ! Not sure what coaches said what @ halftime, however it lit a fire and they looked like a different team. AWESOME second half and they got the win.
  3. Amazon has every color for $5 and change.
  4. My tackle bag now weighs 35 LBS. LOL
  5. Jerry Jones is looking very hard @ Sean Peyton regardless of what McCarthy accomplishes.
  6. Colts are working on that. Jaguars over Chargers. Done, Next the Chargers. Stay out of Vegas...LOL
  7. Agreed.
  8. Mono- Clinch. FC- Uni. Braid - Uni. All- Palomar.
  9. Not going to beat a drum about the Jaguars, However they sure made a great turn around thanks to finally getting a good coach and the owner spending 175 million on free agency the leagues most this past year. They have a chance to beat the Chargers @ home primetime Sat night. However if they were to win they have to travel to K.C. and that's where the buck stops.
  10. I will be fishing Lake Toho Fl March 17-19 and could use some insider info. If anyone knows who to message or call It would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance. R/ Ski
  11. Caught this girl with one on a shaky head.
  12. "No need to change out the Mini Max snap IMO." This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  13. The purpose is ...It makes the crankbait MUCH more weedless.
  14. I once again hired our favorite Captain and crew for 3, 10 hour days of "Bill Fishing" in Cancun Mexico, and again they did not disappoint! They picked us up and returned us @ the resort pier. Day one seemed to be a "warm up" day where Jane caught her personnel best Ahi Tuna (Yellowfin) and several Mahi which we brought back to the resort for our dinning. On day 2 we fished a 700 ft ledge just a few miles off the Cancun beach where we found an abundance of sea life and we knew this was the spot. In short order we were hooked up with more Ahi and Mahi, then it happened, White Marlin crashed the shotgun line and the fight was on. We got it to the boat in about 25 minutes grabbed a quick photo and released it unharmed. Day 3, was a little more exciting as a Blue Marlin came into our bait spread in search of a meal. It finally decided on the left rigger bait as the captain dropped the bait back and fed it to him, "Fights On" This fish was no joke in comparison to its cousin the White Marlin. It put on a GREAT aerial display and just would not give up even after having the 30 foot leader on the reel 16 times and backing down on it 3 times. Finally after 65 minutes of give and take, it just about fought itself to death, we were able to get it onboard for a photo shot and then return it to the Sea where we spent 10 minutes pulling it by hand to keep water rushing over it's gills to revive it which was accomplished and it swam away with nothing more than it's feelings hurt. I spent the next day eating Tylenol and hanging around the pool and A/C. Special thanks to my wife Jane for the awesome Marlin Photo's
  15. Smallies just do not seem to quit.
  16. Ski

    St Johns River

    He will flat out tell ya, "if you catch fish it's not because I let ya.
  17. St Johns River Fl. Water Temp 66* Depth 4 feet Bullrush line. Weightless trick worm Junebug color. air temp 65* Yesterday my partner got his limit fishing a reed line very slow and methodically as I attempted to fish behind him in the back seat. The guy was like a vacuum and left no twig un touched. He fished a weightless trick worm on spinning tackle while I threw a weightless Sinko.
  18. Mono Line Rating: 40 - 65 lbs. Lure Rating: 1-4 oz.
  19. Another Deer Hunting adventure came to a close for me as I returned from River Valley Farms (RVF) Kentucky Yesterday. I arrived there last Friday evening with a friend that I hunt with in Ga. And my brother from Wisconsin for a week of deer hunting with a muzzleloader. We were greeted by the outfitter Harry Pozniack and his guide Randy whom is also a d**n good lodge cook. This adventure completed my 9th deer season @ RVF and again made memories. Opening day my brother harvested a handsome buck and the morning of day two I also tagged a good deer. My friend Dave whom rode with me unfortunately missed his buck. After my brother and I filled our buck tags, Harry put my brother and I in a large blind to fill doe tags and keep the herd in balance. In short order my brother shot a doe then I, all while laughing, and catching up of time passed. Countless memories were made once again and my brother and I booked again for next season.
  20. The spool arrived in less then 5 days- Speedy shipping. I pool tested the line after spooling a Shimano Curado.. I tied on a worm hook on and had a 5 Lb. weight hooked to it in the pool. I went to the other end of pool 28 Ft. Using my usual drag setting "snug" I aggressively set the hook. Line held. Then I locked down the drag and again set the hook only to have the weight slide in the pool. Line held up fine. Despite all the negative comments I have found this spool of 30 lb test to be adequate for me to take fishing and give it a REEL test.
  21. I bought a 300 yd filler spool of 30 lb, BEFORE I read all the horrible reviews! Lesson learned. Will just have to see for myself and will post if I ever receive it.
  22. This ^^^^^
  23. Every year on Nov. 10, Marine Corps veterans receive emails, calls, Texts and Facebook messages wishing them and our U.S. Marine Corps a happy birthday. There are times throughout the year when we remember what it means to be a veteran, when we honor our fallen comrades on Memorial Day, or celebrate veterans on Veterans Day. However today, the 247th Marine Corps birthday, brings Marines back to a time surrounded by their brothers and sisters. For me, it serves as more of a nostalgic day that reflects both Memorial Day and Veterans Day -- it's a time where Marines focus on their brothers and sisters in arms, remembering the good, and staring off into the distance as sorrow washes over them for all of their fellow Marines who gave their lives for our freedom. The good we have done is good and the bad we have done is legendary. Till Valhalla, Happy 247th U.S.M.C.
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