Every year on Nov. 10, Marine Corps veterans receive emails, calls, Texts and Facebook messages wishing them and our U.S. Marine Corps a happy birthday.
There are times throughout the year when we remember what it means to be a veteran, when we honor our fallen comrades on Memorial Day, or celebrate veterans on Veterans Day. However today, the 247th Marine Corps birthday, brings Marines back to a time surrounded by their brothers and sisters.
For me, it serves as more of a nostalgic day that reflects both Memorial Day and Veterans Day -- it's a time where Marines focus on their brothers and sisters in arms, remembering the good, and staring off into the distance as sorrow washes over them for all of their fellow Marines who gave their lives for our freedom. The good we have done is good and the bad we have done is legendary. Till Valhalla, Happy 247th U.S.M.C.