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Everything posted by Dylcook91

  1. Sorry can only post 2 at a time
  2. Heres a quick few I can dig up, I gave up photography and haven't done it in a few years now.
  3. Wow that was a nice clean build Ah gotcha thanks
  4. First name - Dylan Last name - Cook Birth date - 1991
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one let down by the title... Ah that's better
  6. atcoha- Love it, were those rims the american racing torque thust M series or a similar brand?
  7. This quote I'm sure you're all familiar with just about sums it up for me... "Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it. . ." - Harry Middleton
  8. Yeah I figured most here would be driving pickups. If I had to choose one it would be a 70's Chevy sidestep, such a sexy look truck.
  9. This is what's keeping me occupied all winter, in fact I almost just landed a pb
  10. So you are accepting full blame for my actions? Alright good to know hahaha
  11. That's awesome man, good job
  12. Sure do, I try to wear the same green celtic cross shirt and camo shorts whenever I fish. I feel as if I get bigger fish when Im wearing them. Thus you can see the shirt to the left with my pb. I also have one rod that I left the plastic wrap on around the grip from the day I bought it, same reasoning. I know its crazy but its all about confidence, right?
  13. Not bad mpg for a truck at all. My first car was a 93 ford ranger with a 3.0 V6 it was terrible on gas 16mpg I believe it was.
  14. Simple, not enough and that would be the same answer even if I spent my life savings on it
  15. Just broke my bank on this set up
  16. That's how it goes, spend so much time at work that the second i have a day off I don't wanna do anything but fish. hahaha everything else gets put on the sidelines...cars, friendships, eating, sleeping all of it. luckily I work 2-10pm everyday so I try and find time for my car before work, or you u know standing on the shore of local ponds.
  17. I would definitely pull a bass boat with that pinto, you know if I could afford either of the two hahaha
  18. The local tackle shop is my big weakness as well, I buy all this stuff online but then find myself walking around in the store buying stuff too. Its because there you buy it and have instant satisfaction, where online orders you have to wait for it to be shipped.What saves me is there arent any major fishing stores here in Jersey. Most tackle shops are geared towards saltwater, leaving freshwater gear off their shelf's.
  19. Just got off TW and the damage done so far is Abu Garcia revo sx Abu Garcia vendetta 7'6" MH fast-to match with reel About $160 worth of jigs and trailers(strike king and booyah mostly) A handful of booyah spinnerbaits Some more braid Reel grips Now my mind is wandering as I want a setup for drop shots so may order all that aswell... Rod and reel, hooks, weights, lures, line or as I call it "the works"
  20. The 04 GTO has a LS1(5.7) and the 05 and 06 use the LS2(6.0) which makes 400hp at the crank stock..the problem is they aren't that easy to find. HP is just like rods/lures...you can never have to much hahaha
  21. That so funny you say that because another reason I got the vw golf was because its a 5spd. I wanted to see how I like shiftin gears in a daily driver. My plan is to drive it for a bit then sell it, then I was gonna look for a 05-06 GTO. I want that LS2 so bad hahaha
  22. I searched but couldn't find this topic so I apologize if its been done. As most of us are sitting and dreaming of nice weather, I figured it would be fun to destract ourselfs and talk about another subject...which happens to be my second and just as expensive passion. So show us your ride. I just sold this...loved this car 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse To get this because I wanted something I could throw a kayak on top of, and gear inside while still getting great mpg 2003 VW golf Then there is my "real" car that i've been restoring for the last 3 years.. 1979 Chevy Camaro Z28
  23. OK I took care of the cabin,
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