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gim last won the day on January 27

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About gim

  • Birthday 03/01/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Plymouth, MN
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Mille Lacs, Rum River

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  • About Me
    Ranger RT178, 75 HP 4-stroke Mercury outboard, Minnkota Maxxum, Minnkota Talon 12 ft

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Community Answers

  1. Rarely do people attack each other here. And when that sort of thing happens, it’s not tolerated very long. Politics seems to be consuming a lot of lives right now too and this is a safe haven from that nonsense. Keep up the fine work here.
  2. Just last week for work I visited someone and in their living room above the fireplace, they had a whole body mount of one. I asked him about it and he said he shot it after some hounds trees it on a hunt in Wyoming about 8 years ago. He said it weighed 176 pounds. It was an impressive kitty.
  3. What would @roadwarrior say about this?
  4. Tiger muskie. As far as this specific thread topic goes, I have no doubt there is a state record smallmouth swimming in Mille Lacs. Way back in 2016, Brent Ehrler caught nearly a 7 pounder during the elite AOY event. My only hope is that a bass angler catches it. Not a walleye angler as bycatch. We’d never hear the end of it if a walleye angler caught it on live bait.
  5. I ask someone who has fished there before. Preferably, recently.
  6. That's right. I've likened this example to the ones at the parking lot access that don't lock up their trailers or hitches. Mine are not bullet proof; but I only have to be better than the next guy. In other words, I only have to outrun one person when being chased by bear.
  7. I'm paranoid about my stuff. It's very rare that I have to leave my boat somewhere other than my own garage when it's not in use. Simply put, I don't trust people when there's access to expensive stuff available. I realize that not everyone has that option. If you travel to fish, you are going to encounter this risk. Its unavoidable.
  8. The high on Friday is near 70, with a good chance of t storms. Then a rapid change on Sat, and the high on Sunday is around 30. There is going to be a seismic shift from Friday to Sunday...
  9. At least the glass if half full here...
  10. I would certainly expect him to have insurance on it. File a claim. Pay your deductible. Still a tough pill to swallow.
  11. He's been rumored to go to Pittsburgh. Someone like Seattle might pay him more, but let's be honest, he has a much better chance of winning with the Steelers right now. If he's placed into a good system with talent around him, he proved himself with 14 wins and 35 touchdowns.
  12. I’m the complete opposite. I go for the big open area of the lot where there’s no other cars. I don’t trust people parking right next to me opening their doors. Sometimes I don’t have a choice, but I avoid it when I do.
  13. Well I finally got around to changing out and upgrading my on board charger for my cranking/starting battery. My Dual Pro that originally came with the boat in 2015 died last August and I used a manual trickle charger for 2 months at the end of the season. I started on this project in December but I pinched my thumb in truck door so I had to take a break, and then it was very cold for a couple months (even in my insulated garage). I replaced it with the same version (Dual Pro single bank), using the same pre-drilled holes. The only difference is that this is brand new compared to the one that died on me, originally from 2015. Plugged it in yesterday and it's working as it should. Digging around and reaching down in the bilge area was kind of a pain the rear. I'm a pretty tall guy with long arms but it's just not a good spot to reach and work.
  14. gim

    Pro Anglers

    I'm guessing that the boats/trailers and maybe the truck to tow it are supplied by sponsors. Maybe a lot of the equipment used too, including electronics. There is no freaking way they could pay for all that themselves if that's their only source of income. The math just doesn't add up. A very select few may be able to. KVD comes to mind. I know for a fact that Seth Feider (MN guy) has a side gig with Omnia Fishing and Outkast Tackle. It's also possible many of them guide too. I used to think that being a pro bass angler was a dream job when I was younger. I soon realized that only a select few even have the will power to take on such a feat, and I'm not one of them.
  15. I generally agree. I am not super familiar with various calibers, ballistics, or ammo specifications even though I have hunted and used firearms since I was 12. One item not mentioned here is the availability of ammo. Everyone knows that at times, certain ammo becomes very difficult to locate because of demand. A firearm is pretty useless if you don’t have ammo for it. Not saying you should hoard a bunker full of ammo. I think for this reason, a lot of general big game hunters select calibers such as .270 or 30-06. Generally speaking that ammo seems more widely available than others where I live.
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