After trying several different clear coats out there, I would personally not use 5 or even 30 minute epoxy as a top coat. It doesn't hold up nearly as well as long set epoxy like Enviro Tex. And to my knowledge, there is no spray can clear coat that will hold up on baits. I've tried auto clear lacquer and several other types. Fast set epoxy yellows quite a bit over time, and will eventually let water in. The down side to using long set is that it takes many hours to dry, and will require turning the work to avoid runs and pools. If you do not have a drying wheel, you can get by with ultra thin coats and manually turning the work regularly for the first few hours. Adding some heat to the room will help speed up the process. It takes much longer, but the end result is a clear hard finish that will last a long time. It has to be an exact 50/50 ratio and mixed for several minutes or it won't dry rock hard. To help with runs, wait a half hour to 45 minutes after mixing before applying it.