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Everything posted by Kyhokie

  1. Bro, I've fished that pond a thousand times. They're carp.
  2. Pond in Cincinnati where I used to canoe New river in West by God virginia where I learned to love smallmouth My favorite. My oldest son and I.
  3. This one was tonight. She couldn't have weighed more than a few oz, but she was all mouth. (Freshwater clam on a rattletrap)
  4. Wow! Thanks for posting that.
  5. Thank you Bassresource. This post has restored my faith in humanity.
  6. No too weird, but saw a blue heron stalk and kill a fairly good size brown water snake while I was about 15 feet away in my canoe. Also watched my buddy put 4 of 6 hooks on a crankbait through his hat and into his scalp on a windy day. No joke...He calmly cut his line and tied on another crank. I thought he might be in shock as blood was starting to flow pretty good down the side of his face. I told him we'd better get him some medical attention and he said, "not till they quit biting." LOL! Took him another 5 min to get dizzy and we called it a day.
  7. Keitech 4.8" swing impact fat rigged on a weighted swimbait hook.
  8. Feeling so lucky this morning. Cold and rainy here in North Dallas...woke up at 6 and almost said the heck with it, but I got out and braved the elements. Total of 9 in two and a half hours, this moose being the best of the bunch by far. Gonna be a great year. Ps. Thanks bassresource, she came on a rattle trap, which I only threw bc I read here that they are good winter lures lol!
  9. Fat ika rigged backwards. That or a helicopter lure.
  10. If it's really muddy, I'd throw a 1/4 oz white chatterbait, if just a tint to the water, medium sized shad or bluegill colored keitech. Those conditions seem similar to what I'm getting here in North texas and those 2 moving baits are what I'm catching them on here. good luck .
  11. I don't have any elites, but I regularly fish 3 fenwicks (aetos, hmx, and hmg) 2 spinning, one casting, and I have never had any issues with the rods. I think fenwick makes a solid, reasonably priced rod.
  12. Lived in Cincinnati for 10 years and that little Miami is absolutely loaded with smallmouth. Beautiful place to fish in the fall.
  13. North Dallas: Sept and October. I'm in the thick of it right now.
  14. You have a lake in a cooler?
  15. I catch fish year round in North Dallas. Smaller lures, slower presentation. I actually prefer it.
  16. Not really a caught fish per se, but went out yesterday and saw a heron stalk and catch about a 20" brown water snake. Ate the poor dude in 3 gulps. Nature is amazing!
  17. Gentlemen, there is absolutely a time and place for everything, including sharing your honey holes. The time is never and the place is nowhere.
  18. They may be hard to find, but not nearly as hard as worm rubbers. ??
  19. Found what was left of this unlucky fella the other day while fishing at my local pond. Just thought I'd share because the colors are amazing. THis is the same claw, just flipped over. Want to match the hatch so to speak, but I've never found a craw bait blue on top and red on bottom. May have to have some customs made. BTW, this old boy would have made a fine bisque. This claw is every bit of 3" long.
  20. Do any of you Florida/Louisiana kayakers/canoers have run-ins with gators ever? The thought alone would keep me off the water in my small watercraft.
  21. Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there with more rod knowledge than I, could explain to me how rods of matching power (medium) and action (fast) could have such different lure ratings? Some rods I'm looking at are rated for 1/8 - 5/8 while some are quarter oz to three quarter oz. I understand that rod power and action aren't standardized between manufacturers, but I don't understand what makes a rod better suited for lighter lures than other similar rods. Thanks for any insight!
  22. Nevermind fellas. I'm an idiot. Did a search on here and found some useful info. THanks again BR!
  23. Hi, I'm looking at several medium casting rods and these daiwa DX have caught my attention. Does anyone have any opinions or thoughts on the daiwa DX series? They are a TW exclusive and a Google search does not provide much info. Anyone have first hand knowledge of how these perform? Thanks in advance!
  24. @A-Jay it's obvious that this guy is long-arming that cup of coffee. ???
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