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Everything posted by Kyhokie

  1. This thread Brings back great memories... 4" creme scoundrel and it absolutely had to be nightcrawler colored. Texas rigged weightless with a #1 offset work hook. Light spinning tackle. Just wasn't fair for the fish...
  2. Ssshhhhhh!!! ???
  3. You should use that for catfish bait. I heard they love bluegill heads ???. But in all seriousness, thoughts and prayers, sorry for your loss. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, change the skirt on that son of a gun, tie her back on, and get to fishin'.
  4. Went to university of Kentucky, but grew up near Blacksburg, VA, home of the Hokies. Also my email and my name on every forum I've ever joined.
  5. I'm pretty much in agreement with you AJay. But I do think you're allowed one good dig after the day is done. While we are fishing though I always try to help the other guy out because In the Heat of the Moment even good friends can get really frustrated with each other. My favorite was after I had a tough day and my buddy had a pretty good one, in the car ride home he looked over at me and just said, "well, at least you figured out what the pattern wasn't." ?
  6. "No, no honey.....its 'senko'."
  7. Try it and find out. In my opinion tho, you probably are better off getting a new one.
  8. Lol, had to look where you were from mate! I know Texas has it's share of venomous serpents, but we don't hold a candle to the land down under lol. Also, what type of fish is that in your background pic? Not the profile picture, the background one.
  9. Lol, I know, but not too many smallies in Dallas. Growing up in WV and KY, though, I caught more creek smallmouth than i could ever count. Thanks dad, and thanks rebel crawdad!
  10. I like several of the colors, but I use sexy shad the most. Never used them for smallies though.
  11. Bravo. 10 year old thread, back to life like Lazarus. FWIW, cavitron or bust.
  12. Bear grease. Works amazing but does nothing for your complexion.
  13. Welcome carpbuster! Kentucky, huh.....one question. Cayuts Or dirty birds? Full disclaimer: UK 97'-03'
  14. +1 for the petzl tikka
  15. Have you tried line conditioner? That makes my flouro much more cast friendly.
  16. Ooof, that was a tough loss I'll admit it but at least I can rest easy knowing that I'm not a bandwagon guy. I bet it gets expensive buying a new jersey every year. How do you even pick? Do you just guess at the beginning of the Season? Or do you wait till half way through see how everybody's doing and then purchase one then?
  17. Love all the warriors "fans" that have suddenly appeared in the last 3 years. Probably couldn't pick Tim Hardaway out of a line-up. #RunAsOne
  18. The bass edge podcast isn't terrible.
  19. Love these. Try them on a shakey head. It treats me well around grass
  20. I totally understand your sentiment, and i felt the same way myself, many times. I sat down and tried to understand why, as a grown man, i could literally not stop myself from buying new fishing lures, rods and reels. I rest much easier now that i realized im not buying lures and tackle because it helps me to catch more fish, i buy all this unnecessary gear, because I enjoy fishing, and ALL it entails. I also enjoy cooking, but i like eating and buying the groceries almost as much. Buying lures and organizing is a part of fishing. It took me getting outfished by an old timer, tossing a manns manipulator, all day, with a zebco 33 to realize this. Upon leaving the water with my old fishing partner, i really felt sorry for him. I found myself questioning "why feel bad for a guy who just outfished you 3 to 1?" I answered myself when i asked internally, "what does he sit around and organize when hes not fishing? Poor old wretched lol" Now....does anyone know who still sells Manipulators in red shad? I really need my fix this morning LOL!
  21. I'm a bank beater for the most part, and I fish mostly at night. I always carry my Ruger LCR .357. During the day, not so much, but I fish a lot of neighborhood ponds in nice areas.
  22. Wow, that brings back memories. Haven't fished stonewall since probably '94 lol. Always with dad too. Grew up in nitro. I hope you fish it and do well, bring us back a good report!
  23. GoFree hooked app. Has simple interface. Great way to store information. GL
  24. Nice, how do you connect the earplugs to the plastic? @fissure_man
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