I totally understand your sentiment, and i felt the same way myself, many times. I sat down and tried to understand why, as a grown man, i could literally not stop myself from buying new fishing lures, rods and reels. I rest much easier now that i realized im not buying lures and tackle because it helps me to catch more fish, i buy all this unnecessary gear, because I enjoy fishing, and ALL it entails. I also enjoy cooking, but i like eating and buying the groceries almost as much. Buying lures and organizing is a part of fishing. It took me getting outfished by an old timer, tossing a manns manipulator, all day, with a zebco 33 to realize this. Upon leaving the water with my old fishing partner, i really felt sorry for him. I found myself questioning "why feel bad for a guy who just outfished you 3 to 1?" I answered myself when i asked internally, "what does he sit around and organize when hes not fishing? Poor old wretched lol" Now....does anyone know who still sells Manipulators in red shad? I really need my fix this morning LOL!