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Everything posted by Kyhokie

  1. If they aren't hitting moving baits, they are on the bottom...and most importantly, no man is allowed a beer until he catches a keeper.
  2. I have a few of the picasso aaron martens FX shock blade chatterbaits. These are the chatterbaits that are Fur and Feathers and not a rubber skirt. When I try to put my traditional rubber ChatterBait trailer on them it seems to push the feathers out all in an unnatural way. When you guys fish these, do you use a trailer? Or have you figured out one that works? Thank you all in advance! Tight lines
  3. I use spike it scented markers when i need to do something other than dip.
  4. Both of your ways work. I prefer applying it on the water. Watch out tho, it will stain.
  5. That Rockets loss was brutal...
  6. I like green mirror with amber lenses. Glass preferably. You're probably going to get 20 different answers though
  7. Bro...clean it up. ALL playoff games are important.
  8. Whopper. Plopper. Close second would be spro frog.
  9. I've bought two pairs from two different sellers on eBay and had nothing but great results
  10. Calm down man. Aren't you a global moderator? I've fished with kids that were less wound than you... A simple Google search would tell you that your first statement of "Mirror serves no function at all. It's just for looks" was incorrect.
  11. Eh, forget about it. Not worth arguing.
  12. The package was untampered with as far as I could tell
  13. I'm in North Texas and IMHO, a black buzzbait will catch quality over quantity.
  14. I purchased this from a member a while back. It was new in package. With many Google searches I've never been able to able to turn up another one that had this blade on the front. Has anyone ever seen this before? When I retrieve it it gives it a wide wobble https://i.imgur.com/CIDNZSD.jpg
  15. Green mirror amber is what I use for most freshwater applications Bro, your source is wrong. Mirroring absolutely cuts down on light penetration.
  16. 7.5 on a 1/2 oz. Chrome/black rattletrap and an 8 on a 5" paddletail
  17. Sorry for you loss. Hope your friend is enjoying greener pastures.
  18. Appropo of nothing, as far as tournaments go, I greatly prefer the major league fishing format to the standard 5 fish limit format. It plays much better on TV (not a bad thing) and the tension is often palpable. In a time where gratification is just a click away, I believe the MLF format holds the attention of the younger generation better and thus will help, not hinder, the growth of the sport. As for YouTube, ehh...this whole computer thing is just a fad. Shouldn't last more than a few hundred more years.
  19. Dude, no need to apologize. I'm more than happy with my gifts! I could make a living on those plum ol' monsters and spro makes my favorite frog. Looking forward to trying out that popping version. Thanks so much!
  20. Scarborough did a fantastic job!!! Thanks man. Cant wait to throw that squarebill.
  21. Merry Christmas! I'm a Dallas angler who is spending the holidays with my in-laws in Champaign. We go up often and i do enjoy yalls fishing as I do quite a bit of it as they live on about a 60-acre impoundment. It's not so much a lake as a really big retention pond prob not more than 15' deep. They don't allow any boats so I will be beating the bank. Think of a gigantic oddly shaped cereal bowl lol. I've noticed the last week or so they've been in the 50s but this coming week is dropping down into the twenties and thirties. They don't have any ice on the lake, but I'm really just wondering what the heck should I be throwing? I mean I'm still throwing Whopper ploppers down here in Dallas LOL. I assume the water temperature will be in the mid to low 40s. Anybody with big pond, small Lake cold water fishing experience please chime in as I'm packing later this afternoon. I appreciate any help from the Brotherhood here at Bass resource!
  22. Are you looking for a low profile or round reel? If a round reel, I'd go with the Calcutta 300D. I have one and it casts pretty large swimbaits and could easily handle a pike or muskie. If you're looking for something low profile, Id take a hard look at the Shimano tranx 300 or 400. I believe either one of those reels will be under your price point or right at it.
  23. Never take a picture holding someone else's fish.
  24. I fish my 5.8 with a 5/0 or 6/0. 8/0 is what I fish my 6.8 with.
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