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  • Gender
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    North Dallas, TX
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    New River
  • Other Interests
    Aquariums, reading, family time.

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    The dude abides...

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  1. @TnRiver46 once again incorrect. The Alabama Coosa spotted bass has not been in the nickajack system for as long as the Catawba river Lake Norman system. The smallmouth and Kentucky spots in Nicajack are living on borrowed time. They will eventually outcompete largemouth, but that doesn’t concern me, because largemouth will still exist. It’s the fact that they can interbreed with smallmouth and other types of spots and riverine black bass species that is concerning. https://www.bassmaster.com/conservation-news/news/alabama-bass-invasion/ this is a pretty good explanation
  2. It’s obvious you don’t live on Lake Norman. when these fish get in your waters, they breed out the smallmouth and outcompete the largemouth. I’m not sure if that’s what the video was talking about but that’s what happens. These fish don’t get as big as largemouth either so yes, you might go out and catch 30 of them but they’re all two pounders. That’s probably the most ignorant thing I’ve ever read on this site Because they get to be 10 pounds in California. They’re a true sport fish there. I’ve never caught one larger than 3 1/2 pounds in North Carolina. @TnRiver46 No one‘s out to get you. There’s no grand conspiracy to get a bunch of donations to stop this fish. It’s not that deep bro. All they’re saying is the spots are not good. Even if you don’t care about largemouth because they don’t interbreed with spots, the Alabama spot will eradicate the smallmouth in North Carolina and more than likely Virginia and eventually Tennessee. It’s just science. Spots breed with smallmouth and smallmouth are bred out of native streams and rivers.
  3. Hi, all you north easterners! North Carolinian here coming to your great state next weekend for a couple guided days on the St. Lawrence river. I know our guide will be able to tell us a lot, but was just curious what has been working for y’all for them big brown fish? Will be in Alexandria Bay Area thanks in advance! -Kyhokie
  4. I think that moderate action isn’t the right action for Ned. Your mileage may vary obviously, but I always fish in it on an extra fast tip. I don’t really ever have a problem keeping them pinned.
  5. Pound for pound probably river smallmouth, but a 30 pound flathead on a Shakey head and bass gear peels drag like no other.
  6. I’ve ordered from there and have had no issues. Fast shipping and good prices.
  7. I’m not sure what your needs are, but I find that a medium heavy fast action, 7’-7’3” rod it’s just about as versatile as you could ever get.
  8. I’ve used GE silicone before.
  9. One rod, one reel and a small backpack (think jansport school bag) with a gallon ziplock of soft plastics, one 3700 size Plano for hard baits and a 3700 size for terminal tackle. Needle nose, extra line, scent, snack bar, and water bottle in the front pouch.
  10. You are overthinking it. Tie your knots whenever, put your soft plastics on the night before. Fin.
  11. I think the OP is more interested in $50 versus $250, than 250 vs 600. There is the law of diminishing returns, and I find the sweet spot is around 350$, imho.
  12. Tom, I’d love to have a copy. I bet you've forgotten more about fishing than I know lol and I’ve been fishing my whole life. I appreciate you spreading your knowledge.
  13. I try to keep rods for specific techniques, but I don’t hesitate to change up if I have to on the fly. Anything that is medium heavy/fast is going to get the first look for general purpose. To me, that is the best all purpose bass rod that you could have.
  14. I recently moved from north Texas, and now live in Carolina. Everything I catch in the colder months is kind of washed out with no lateral line.
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