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Everything posted by USMC22

  1. I tend to break too many Rods to invest the time in making Rods and get what I want out of it
  2. Looking for a true travel rod, casting and spinning to take on trips and can be hand carried on airlines. In my search I have only come across the Daiwa Ardito and the Fenwick Methods (possibly discontinued?). Would like to keep under $250.00 per rod. Thanks for any input.
  3. Labor Day will probably be the next one
  4. That one was pretty sweet! He does engraving too if you want a name / logo on there.
  5. Anytime. Those racks you'd have to use every other by I have 14 set-ups on the other side. You can use the slots in between for unpaired rods. With the casters on it it sure is nice being able to move it around to be efficient with space. Also used these for a long time: http://www.thehulltruth.com/fishing-miscellaneous-items-commercial-sellers-only/378951-rod-racks-8-10-17-place-truck-bed-mount-available-bent-butt-options.html#b
  6. I wish. I idon'thave the free time nor the know how to do that. I got it here: https://rodsatrest.com/collections/rod-racks I like the rack. Shipped within a few days and only two complaints. #1 - One of the screws on the bottom did not "snug up" into the recessed hole. I think the wood was hollow in the EXACT area it was suppose to screw into if that makes sense. #2 - The top shelf section split a little bit when installing the first screw. Neither affect the structure or function and it is still a beautiful rack. The two things I point out are my ONLY complaints and will be forgotten with time and use of the rack. There is also a video of the installation process. You'll notice the volume drowns out when he installs the top section (which makes me think the wood may have split on him too). Great rack though and well worth the price (to me) even with the two minor complaints.
  7. Sorry for the delay. In the last pic there is a 200I for additional comparison.
  8. Curado 70 feels considerably smaller, as it should at half the size almost (Chronarch is 150 size). I'll snap some photo's tomorrow if someone doesn't beat me to it.
  9. Can someone school me on handles and knobs, specifically hawgtechs as far as benefits and applications? I've tried searching and see they have a strong following just haven't found much beyond that. Thanks!
  10. I hear ya, maybe a reel cover and Rod glove would eliminate some of that?
  11. 7" range is a tough market in the $100 range, have you thought about bumping up to a 7'? Probably a lot more choices. In all seriousness I've always liked cabelas xml rods for the money and they usually go on sale $80-100 throughout the year.
  12. You're the man! Thanks! Going to give them a shot
  13. Any chance you'd shoot some pics? I haven't seen the rod glove reel cover in person and am left handed. I'd like to see a few pics, if you're willing
  14. They just don't seem to fit the new shimano reel shapes. Between the drag star and the reel body is a tight fit (need to rotate ever so slightly) due to the thickness of the TW Covers. Don't get me wrong they are GREAT on SOME reels but suck on my current setups IMO.
  15. Hi Guys, Got some new Shimano's and the TW Covers are a bit tough to get on and off and I've never been a fan of the kinks in the line they cause. Long term storage their awesome. I've been looking at the Rod Glove Reel Covers, anyone got some pics, experience and feedback on these or any other covers that don't interfere with the line and are easy to use? Thanks, Aaron
  16. I'm one of those guys running a gen 2 HDS 7 touch on my wilderness systems atak. No complaints. The lss-2 hangs over the side
  17. I meant storing, not the stuff on the reel....
  18. What does everyone use for spool tenders / keepers on bulk spools to keep the line from going nuts?
  19. Never seen a $20 off $100 before, geesh guess I need to learn to hold off sometimes. thanks for the code! Aaron
  20. Looking for a coupon for 10 off of 50 if anyone has one their not using? thanks, Aaron
  21. Anyone use a spoolin buddy? I'm storing all my line in plastic tubs right now but seeing this has me thinking of changing it up for the ease of adding line. -Aaron
  22. Thanks Guys, Put an order in for a bunch of 3/8 and 1/2 oz Arky Heads yesterday. Got a response by e-mail within MINUTES with my questions answered. Can't beat that and looking forward to the jigs. Also looking to order some football heads once back in stock. -Aaron
  23. Hi Guys, Due to the lead free law I sold off my Dirty Jigs and am now in search of replacements. I see the arky and football tungsten jigs from Siebert Outdoors seem to be popular. Looking for a comparison between them and Eco Pro. The Eco Pro, available from Tackle Warehouse, look great and are readily available for order. The Siebert's look great too but I have not seen either in person. I see online Siebert has only '1' in 3/8 oz for arky heads... anyone placed an order (looking for turn around time)? -Aaron
  24. Hi Guys, Wanted to pass on that *.com is doing 15% off and you can get their Curado I's for $127.50 SHIPPED!!!!! I know some folks are always shopping for the rod or reel that is just out of their price range and wanted to share. The code is LEAP15 https://www.*.com/Shimano-Curado-I-Reels-p/shimano-cui.htm?1=1&CartID=1 (click the "get a better price" and enter you're e-mail for the $149.99 then add the code at checkout) Disclaimer: I do not work for and am not affiliated with Outdoor Pro Shop, just looking to pass along a deal. -Aaron
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