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About USMC22

  • Birthday April 22

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire 
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I've been there. Gone through periods of time where it wasn't possible to fish. Fished a lot and then fell off. Hopefully it's not a sign of depression. . . sometimes losing interest in hobbies can be a sign. It was with me.
  2. Thanks, I wish I had one near me. Located in Danbury, NH
  3. I’ve got a Dobyns Champion 765 FLIP I never used much because it didn’t fit in my rod locker. I have downsized to a kayak since and don’t use it. I’m happy to FaceTime for you to check out the rod or make a video and text it to you. $200.00 PayPal only. I will buy a 3 inch pvc tube to ship in after funds are received. I have it listed locally as well.
  4. Yakattack Price includes both the following Camera Mounts: Yakattack Pan Fish Pro (CMS-1002) Yakattack Pan Fish Portrait Pro (CMS-1001) MSRP would be over $160. I’m selling both like new for $100 shipped USPS Priority. Paypal Only.
  5. I have been with them a long time but it’s time to move on. I need some suggestions comparable to the Champion XP line.
  6. This, for sure!!!!
  7. Wow, this thread was from 2015 that you dug up...
  8. I’m a Dobyns guy typically but looking for a spare cranking rod on a budget between only these two rods. What do you think?
  9. Awesome, congrats!!!
  10. I’ll check if tomorrow in a deployed position It’s brand new, never hit nothing and it was the first time out on the water with it. Box looked fine when it showed up.
  11. Minn Kota doesn’t show a separate circuit breaker for each battery on my 80lb 24v fortex?
  12. Hi Guys, finally got got a trolling motor (minn kota fortrex 80) and after getting on the water for the first time noticed it looked odd. Just trying to figure out if it’s an issue.
  13. Hi Guys, I’ve been preparing my boat for winter as the temps drop. Today I attempted to use the winterizing antifreeze flush kit. Instructions say to fill with antifreeze, elevate and let it enter through muffs on the outboard water intake. I let the motor warm up while flushing with water through garden hose, no issues and strong stream. problem: connected antifreeze jug to muffs, open nozzle. Watch antifreeze flowing down the hose and to the muffs. Start outboard and antifreeze is flowing nicely out the prop area but never had a strong stream come (only dripping) prior to getting nervous about the no “pee flow” and shut the outboard off. using the mercury muffs that go through the center hold and clamp on. only about 2 gallons of antifreeze used. Is my outboard good now or have I not properly flushed it?
  14. That’s kind of my last resort thinking
  15. Considering buying a Mercury 8hp 4stroke outboard that took a dunk in salt water. Price just seems too good to pass on. motor was not running (per seller) at the time of the dunk (at a dock) where it was recovered immediately (on August 26th). It was salt water. looking at specs it doesn’t seem to be electric heavy. Im thinking flush it out, drain replace all fluids and go from there? $250 is the asking price. Sounds like they wrote it off with insurance. Motor is 2018.
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