Hi Guys,
I’ve been preparing my boat for winter as the temps drop. Today I attempted to use the winterizing antifreeze flush kit. Instructions say to fill with antifreeze, elevate and let it enter through muffs on the outboard water intake. I let the motor warm up while flushing with water through garden hose, no issues and strong stream.
problem: connected antifreeze jug to muffs, open nozzle. Watch antifreeze flowing down the hose and to the muffs. Start outboard and antifreeze is flowing nicely out the prop area but never had a strong stream come (only dripping) prior to getting nervous about the no “pee flow” and shut the outboard off.
using the mercury muffs that go through the center hold and clamp on.
only about 2 gallons of antifreeze used.
Is my outboard good now or have I not properly flushed it?