Well, I just wrote a long post and it disappeared when I went to submit it, so I guess I'll try again.
I've been a lurker here, wanted to get into bait casting and was waiting impatiently for the BPS spring classic where I hoped to get a Pro Qualifer on sale. With all I've read and what I want to spend, I thought it would be a good reel to start with. I live a short drive from a BPS so I've been able to look them over. Last week the store told me the PQ wouldn't be on sale (not counting the reel trade-in) but would instead be paired with a Carbonlite rod. Since I was planning on buying a cheaper rod to go with the PQ, it seemed like a good deal as the Carbonlite is well reviewed.
Yesterday morning I went to BPS and the combos were selling fast. I'd wanted a two piece rod but the combos were all one piece. I needed a left hand retrieve and the store had one on a medium/fast rod, which was my preference. I grabbed it, along with an on sale Husky Jerk and a couple packs of on sale Gamakatsu hooks, and went home happy with my purchase.
I started playing with my new toy and, being obsessive, did a search for the PQ combo and found a post saying the reel wasn't the same as if purchased separately. This upset me so today I called BPS and talked with someone in the tackle department. He confirmed the combo reels are labeled China and the box reel is Hong Kong. He also told me it is still a great buy and he's fished one for a couple years and the reel should be the same . The model number and specs of the reel I bought are identical to the regular PQ but I'm feeling like I made a bad choice. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing.
I'm no pro but since I live on the water I fish almost every evening when the weather is decent, haul in lots of smallies and my gear gets a good amount of use. I don't want to spend too much but don't want sub-standard tackle either. BPS prices usually run high so I don't buy much there but feel a bit taken advantage of after learning the reel may or may not be as good as advertised.
Any advice is welcome. I hope I got a good buy that will serve me well but I'm not opposed to returning it if was a bad deal. On the bright side, I stopped at Walmart for cheap mono to practice casting and found a box of Yum plastics for a buck a bag so I got enough Dingers, craws and various others to last quite a while.
Thanks for any help