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Everything posted by MALTESE FALCON

  1. That's why I feel so lucky to live on LSC, it never stops producing quality smallmouth and largemouth. Most people come here to fish for the smallies, but there are a lot of huge largemouth and if you're so inclined, the musky fishing is the best in the country. The only negative to St. Clair is it can kick-up in the blink of an eye and you'll wish you were anywhere but there.
  2. I'm going to be in North Myrtle Beach near the end of June. Looking to spend a couple days bass fishing. Are there some local lakes with some shore access? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Rick
  3. Strike King KVD 1.5 silent, and Bomber Square A. Falcon
  4. Thanks for all the help guys. I tried the Q-tip on all my guides prior to my post. The line is new this Spring and stored in a box, in a closet. I've only had a couple backlashes, but it is possible that's the culprit. Falcon
  5. There is nothing more rewarding than creating a lure out of a piece of wood and catching fish with them. I'm having trouble posting pictures, so I'm unable to show my crankbaits. Don't stop.....keep creating!! Falcon
  6. I'm having problems with my monofilament line breaking. It's not breaking at my knots, but 20-25 yards into the spool. I cast my crankbait and it flies with a 20-25 yard tail of mono behind it. At first I thought it was my rod or reel having a rough spot, but it"s happening on all six of my rods (two are new this season). It's starting to get a bit expensive, losing my crankbaits, and spinnerbaits. Any ideas? Please help!! By the way, I'm using Trilene XL, and BPS Mono. Thanks, Falcon
  7. Mudhole is a good place to start looking. I haven't built any rods yet, but a few of my friends do, and they only deal with Mudhole. Janns Netcraft also sells what you will need. Falcon
  8. Where do you purchase the KBS Diamond Clear coat?
  9. Here on St. Clair, my go-to Smallie baits are: 1-Crankbaits 2-Senko or Yum Dingers 3-Lipless crankbait 4-Spinnerbait 5-Beavers Falcon
  10. I use Red Cedar. On occasion I use Bass. I started out using scrap Pine, but I find Cedar easier to shape. Falcon
  11. Thanks for your input. I've been leaning towards a gravity feed, but wanted to know how others felt. I make crankbaits from Red Cedar and Spanish Cedar. I've been painting them with rattle cans for eight years, with good results, but I'd like to get more detail. Falcon
  12. Do you prefer gravity, or siphon air brushes? Why? Finally decided to buy an air brush to paint my crankbaits. I'm curious which one is best.
  13. Looks great!! It will work great here on St. Clair. Falcon
  14. Thanks MCS for your response. The people I spoke with at Disney said there are designated areas to fish, however I plan on using the guide service also. I like to take my own equipment because any time I used rented equipment in the past, I would have been better off with a twig, string, and a safety pin.lol In years passed I stayed off site and had transportation. This year we're staying at Disney and won't have a vehicle. I always spent at least one day at Lake Toho with pretty good success.(Unfortunately I never got the "hog" I hoped for). Falcon
  15. I'm going to be staying at Disney World in mid November. I've been trying to contact the guides, and I'm having no success. I'm trying to pack light, and wondering what baits would be most successful that time of year. Has anyone fished the Disney lakes? My questions are: 1: Average depth of lakes? 2-Water clarity? 3-Water temperature? 4-Best baits, and colors? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Falcon
  16. I've been using Red Cedar for the last year. I had been using Pine. I prefer working with the Cedar. Falcon
  17. Saturday I got a bunch of 2-3 pound smallies in front of Selfridge. Most were caught on KVD 1.5 Square Bill Crankbaits in Green Gizzard. Falcon
  18. Beautiful bait!! Shad Raps are still my favorite crankbaits!! Falcon
  19. Very nice build!! Falcon
  20. Those baits are absolutely beautiful!!! Falcon
  21. You can get all the components you need at www.jannsnetcraft.com . I buy my screw eyes, splitrings, and stick-on eyes there. Very dependable. Falcon
  22. Here in the ultra-clear waters of Lake St. Clair, I've had very good success with the 4.5" Bass Magic in Green Shiner. I've also had success with 4.5" Shadilicious in Blue Gizzard. Both baits were hooked on a 3/8 oz. 7/0 Stanley Frog/Swimbait hook. Falcon
  23. Absolutely beautiful work. I especially like the Iced Shad. Falcon
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