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Everything posted by HBtheKID56

  1. Do you fish Prairie Rd Pond? I've been wondering how the largemouth are over there.
  2. Any Northern Illinois kayak fisherman out there. I just recently bought a fishing kayak and would love to partner up. I've yet to get it out on the water but plan on starting when the lakes thaw.
  3. Very helpful video! Thanks Glenn!
  4. @A-Jay @Darren. Thanks for the warm welcome fellas
  5. How's it going everyone! I'm new to the forum! I'm originally from California and used to fish a bit with my uncle there. Don't know what happened but recently been obsessed with fishing and this will be my first coming spring as a determined Illinois fisherman!
  6. I'll be having an all guys vacation, deemed MANCATION, this July. We'll be renting a lake house about 30 miles south of Detroit near the mouth of the Detroit river. It looks like the water is pretty shallow in that area. Was wondering if anyone has any experience fishing this area and if so, what type of rig works best? Are smallmouth/largemouth prevalent? I know walleye are popular in the Detroit river and eerie in general but is this a good time to target them?
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