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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. LOL, nice reference there. I would attribute a fair amount of that shot to luck, but he has been known to exceed 500yds easily.
  2. Watched a neighbor of mine drop a doe at 1009 yards (ranged) with a WBY Vanguard in 300WBY Mag caliber. Craziest shot I have ever seen. She didnt take another step...
  3. Danner Rough Out GTX
  4. What? :-?
  5. Killing peacocks as well?
  6. The wife and I set the alarm for 2:30 to go watch it. We saw the eclipse, a shooting star and then went back to bed. It was MUY cold last night.
  7. That is what you want it to do though. Gets the bait out of the way so the fish can't leverage it. Read up. http://www.316lurecompany.com/baits/mission_fish.html I realize it's not a hollow belly, but you get the point.
  8. 6" Hudds are 1/2 the price of the Baitsmith. That is my only complaint about them is the price.
  9. Micro, they are wood (toothpicks) AFAIK. I would put a sealant on them and just wedge them in there.
  10. May your feces be filled with 1000 razor blades...
  11. I think he might mean 700. The SPS is probably the best on your list. Stay away from the 770. Personally, I like Savage firearms. The fit me well and I like synthetic because it stands up to the way I hunt.

    My new 9mms

    Does PA require a course to obtain a hunting license? For junior hunters, yes. I believe that once you are 18, they do not require you to have it. You can just show up with a driver's license and purchase one. On your other post, we also fill out an additional form whenever someone purchases a handgun (one form for each pistol). We call it the PSP (PA State Police) form as it is sent to them after the sale.
  13. He is home and back to being a ****** bag. Hope everything remains well...
  14. That's what I thought. Figured I would ask...
  15. 1/2 pipes suck, full pipes are where it's at. That's what I like to see. cdxx ;D Good to see ya around brother.

    My new 9mms

    The safety course is a good idea. PA is a "shall issue" state as well; no course requirement.

    My new 9mms

    Must suck to be limited on the number of purchases, Dan. I thought VA was firearm friendly?
  18. Already sent one in brother, but no worries. Have you gotten anymore rods in for me? So, do I not have to send one now? Ah, I'll send anyway. Can't hurt.
  19. Yeh we will be there Saturday.That is if i dont run a couple of stop lights or signs and get demolished. I think we should be there between 12:00 - 2:00. What time you getting into WV Speed? I'm trying to be at Blaine's sometime around 9 or so.
  20. ^ He's the reason I started throwing a split shot rig too.
  21. I'm good with that assessment too. Patriots are looking tough right now.
  22. 1. Jig 2. Swimbait 3. Split shot rig Edit: Actual swimbaits, not paddletails.
  23. We'll be there on Saturday, come hell or high water. (Last year, anyone?) ;D I will be in the mood to drink a beer and catch a fish, probably in that order.
  24. You'd be fine with either two. I grew up shooting a Mossberg 500 that I still have today. It isn't pretty, but I can still knock down a dove/duck/goose with it. Now that I have my Winchester SX3 though.... :-X I'll keep the Mossberg in case someone else needs a shotgun.
  25. New Balance and my Danners.
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