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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. First of all, largemouth record is 15-12 in Mass. Second, I gotta see the pic of the 9 pound fish. If you produce it, props to you...
  2. This look doesn't bother me near as much as emo fellas wearing painted on pants that they are unable to pull up past their arse crack. Nothing funnier than seeing a male with a muffin top. ;D
  3. Do you prefer regular toilet paper or a paper towel to wipe all that stuff off your nose? :-* Wow...
  4. Ok, but there IS a problem with that. 30 years from now, it's the stuff coming THROUGH those cheaper glasses that will really affect your eyesight. I dont have any problems seeing what I need to see with Costas.
  5. 12"? Wow.... Around here we have 4"..... Giid luck though, I bet a B.A. would bust through on a high cast..... : LOL, fixed it for you.
  6. Re-sent. My Outbox said I could still call it back from you, so it was sent earlier. Big Brother watching over my shoulder, monitoring my PMs probably...
  7. Works for me. You make egg sacs and I'll drink the beer. ;D
  8. How deep are you fishing in the lake? The High Power Herring will pass as an alewife, just gotta get it down to them.
  9. How about a sweet pair of Renegades or Strike Kings. Six bucks at your local Wal-tard. Hard for me to beat that. ;D
  10. They like pink, right? http://www.316lurecompany.com/images/lures/freestyle/sfssissy.jpg
  11. Which part? The hooks? We can work past that.
  12. Fixed it for you. I would agree with that reel as well.
  13. Which laws are those? I'm not familiar with trib waters.
  14. Too late for that then... I guess we can figure it out sometime. PM sent.
  15. Will the eat a swimbait? ;D But seriously, will they?
  16. That seems do-able. Hmmm....
  17. I am not military, just merely a citizen in the country your cousin has agreed to defend. Many thanks to him and wishing a safe and speedy return.
  18. Which one? I don't follow along with these guys all that much...
  19. A side note and benefit to those of you paying attention and following along with the thread... If any of you are interested in a discounted pair of Costa del Mar sunglasses, listen up. If you have ever wanted a pair of these, now is the time. I can help out ONE person and they must be on the "registered" list. Shoot me a PM with the frame, lense material and color that you would like. I will check availability and let you know a price. If you like it, you buy it and I bring them to you in April. Pretty simple. Let me know if I can help. Wayne
  20. Costa del Mar Go to a dealer and try on different frames. Buy the ones you like.
  21. Glen, your name appears under the "TACKLE ON SIGHT" list. Beware.
  22. Casting: Revo S BPS Extreme Spinning: Shimano Symetre BPS Extreme
  23. What are you throwing?
  24. Agreed. I thought the "less stretch with flouro" myth had been put to rest, but it appears there are many people who still think this way. I agree with you guys. I also say use the CXX. I started using it because Fourbizz is my hero. I haven't found a reason to change yet.
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