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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Not sure. I'll check and get back to you Steezy.
  2. Still available to utilize this. Let me know...
  3. Yep, my jig rod has been a c-rig rod on more than one occasion.
  4. I wish they still made one in all black. I have a pack and a half left and I conserve them. Actually, I wish ALL bait makers made straight black baits...
  5. Actually, I do, too. I would love to see a Superbowl rematch from the 2005 season. You and me both buddy.
  6. I hope they make it to the Super Bowl.
  7. Take 65 pound braid and run it through a medium to big sized treble hook. Then tie thee braid directly to the line tie and hook the treble next to the top fin on either side. (usually when a fish eats these baits, they take it head first) The reason you don't want to use a bottom hook on your HUDD is because if you happen to hook into a big un witch isn't unlikely then the hook on the bottom with go directly into the fishes gills. If you are a tournament fisherman like me and probably Matt and Randall also then we don't want the chance of a huge fish dieing. Asking a question about which Hudd to throw and then answering how to rig them in your own thread stinks like a copy and paste hero. :-X
  8. nice! that said there is as much luck in that shot as there is skill, especially if that is a .223 in your hands. It was a very lucky shot lol, and hit it my first shot. I lucked out by having it in my sights right when I pulled up to shoot. I couldn't believe that .223 round was able to reach out and touch that coyote without to much of a lead on it. Good lord I wish we could hunt with ARs in PA. At least for predator hunting.
  9. Hey man!! Glad to see you signed up. Welcome.
  10. Yep. If you don't want it, I'll buy it.
  11. Look, there is a big difference between 15 (the record), 9 (definitely a great fish, esp in the NE) and a 6+. Make those outrageous claims and expect to get "jumped on" every time you post. For real.
  12. PM sent Bringing jigs with you for purchase, right?
  13. It's ok, Maryland doesnt recognize it either. :-X You can just deal with the consequences later.
  14. And your wonderful state doesn't recognize my PA license to carry... : ;D
  15. Awesome Paul!! You need to make it up to the Road Trip this year.
  16. LOL, you're such a good influence. How about MLK weekend?
  17. Yeah, don't get me started on that.... > Hell, I had to work from 8:45 until 3 on Thanksgiving Day. The almighty dollar rules again.
  18. Would love to, unfortunately that does not give me enough time to get back down here to work at Gander at 8:45. ;D
  19. I'll buy you a beer in Kentucky. If you're feeling lucky, I'll make you chicken.
  20. On that size of boat, I would go with a 70lb 24v if you have room for the extra battery. You will thank yourself later, trust me.
  21. Nice bait. You're still a goon. ;D
  22. Ok, filled the form out. Knowing me, that means it will only take about three weeks to write out the envelope and send it. ;D
  23. Go with Randall on Varner or one of the other ATL lakes if you want to learn swimbaits or just how to catch big fish. He is very knowledgeable and helpful. Makes a dam fine bait as well.
  24. In Kentucky, maybe?
  25. I havent noticed a difference. I got a deal on a bunch of painted TT weights and they feel the same as unpainted tungsten to me.
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