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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Allen, let me know man. I'll hit that up with you anytime you want. I'm still looking for some hair jig smallies, you just tell me when.
  2. Yeah Mike, that was one he did.
  3. You have NO idea how much I want to get in there with you guys. Just the thought of throwing the big stuff in there makes me giddy. ;D
  4. Not quit sure what you meant by this, but I enjoy reading his posts as much as I do anyone's. BC can take a ribbing(UFO's, and Sarah Palin---15 y/o hormones I guess ) has respect for his parents and seems like a good young man. I'll bet he will do fine, and just maybe we will see his name in BASS MASTER's mag. It means the boy should listen twice as much as he talks. Pretty easy, sound advice in all aspects of life for most people.
  5. Just depends on what you are going to throw. The internals of small frame, low-profile reels were not designed to handle the abuse of throwing big baits. From your other thread, I saw where you will be staying under two ounces. On that note, you should be ok with a Revo S.
  6. You gonna ask your buddy if I can hit those ponds with the two of you sometime? ;D
  7. Knowing you from reading your posts on here, the best employment advice I can give you is this... You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. While you are working, you should listen twice as much as you talk. BTW, don't let your peers know that your uncle runs the store. Good luck.
  8. I know it's not MD, but any of you can feel free to meet me in Harrisburg at the PP&L plant. Sean, why isn't my phone ringing? : BIATCH!!! ;D
  9. Can't have your cake and eat it too brotha. Buy a bigger stick and open up your possibilities. Over 6" and under 2oz is a difficult endeavor, especially when you are looking for quality baits with quality components.
  10. MASSHOLE, what up cracka? Nice to see you still fishing.
  11. RIP Jack. So sorry we never got to meet. Was looking forward to fishing on Falcon with you some day. Keep a seat open for me...
  12. Dam, really? LOL, well Matt would be the one to set the record straight. Thanks for the heads up and no, I havent forgotten about the video. They don't swim real well with my current water conditions...
  13. Difficulty or skill level required? Ever have to make modest alterations or fabrication with assembling parts?
  14. I see many people refer to "building" a black gun from parts. How difficult is it and is it cost effective compared to buying a completed firearm? Basically just looking for something to throw lead, not shoot competitively.
  15. Double Star? Never heard of it. Got a link? How much? Sorry for the questions, I am looking for one.
  16. Never had a use for one. Well, until now I suppose. ;D
  17. LOL, can't do that one then. Thanks for the help.
  18. Very nice looking in person as well. I have the shad (I think it's shad) and the baby bass. They are about twice the length of the baby bass, with a little slimmer transition to the tail.
  19. Congratulations Nate and Mrs Follmer!!!
  20. What brand is the first pic? I can't tell.
  21. WHAT??? I can email the forms instead of mailing them in??? I was wondering how that worked as well...
  22. I would also like to have the weather to ride it all year long. Something about that bike, I have loved it since the day I saw it.
  23. You will be completely amazed at what a 10" fish will try and fit down its throat. For starters get yourself a 9" MS Slammer, Mattlures Hardgill and a shad-shaped sinking bait (I prefer the High Power Herring for a slow sinker) or floater (floaters I like 3:16 Freestyle shad). You'll catch enough fish that you will confirm my original statement.
  24. FiveBass better make it. For those of you who have never met Bud, he is another wealth of Kentucky Lake knowledge. Like Roadwarrior, you should be prepared to hear all about Shimano and Loomis. ;D
  25. You do realize that whether you win by 1 or win by 30, the result is still the same?
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