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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.


    new gun

    For defense I would and do choose a pistol. A shotgun looks good but is way to cumbersome and unwieldy to use for defense. It's perfect for home defense though. Biggest plus, IMO, is that if you miss and your shot enters a wall the person sleeping on the other side of that wall is alot more likely to walk away. A shotgun blast at self-defense range is also MUCH more powerful than a single projectile as well. With multiple projectiles spreading out in a pattern, you are also more likely to hit your target in a stressful situation. Many (if not most) may not be able to control a pistol in that situation.

    new gun

    Yeah, what happens if you miss with that one shot? Don't miss then. You could use it as a club maybe...
  3. Not a fan. I liked the Chocolate Bock in the Winter Sampler.
  4. Dave Saavedra Likes Uncorrected Blocks? :-? Yeah, no clue.
  5. Big man, when are we going to see the 1/2 oz Cavitron?
  6. I wasn't impressed. The only thing I bought all day was a $3 bottle of Diet Pepsi and a framed butterfly for the wife. Nice excuse to get out of the house, but I dont know about a 3 hr drive to get there. One positive note from Saturday. When you take the shuttle from BPS to the show, they give you a coupon for 20% off one item. That could be worth it if you play your cards right.
  7. Me too.
  8. You will love the Costas. PM sent.
  9. LOL, I am able to display a modicum of humility. Occasionally. ;D
  10. Hey, I have my hobbies and you have yours. Chris, you are a great fisherman. No doubt. Your recent posts on here though....please. :-X I guess dropping all my money into stereo equipment is better? : As for the halftime show. Suck.
  11. Hell, even I thought it was a good game. They were the better team last night, that's for sure.
  12. Burley sucks. ;D
  13. Ronnie created a fantastic rod for me. It is a 6'8" Shikari MH with a spiral wrap. I have a 51mg on it. Best "feeling" combo I own. Works perfectly for the 5/16th jigs I prefer to throw. I also have a Loomis swimbait rod that he made with a 301 Curado on it. It's a bait slinger, for sure.
  14. I agree, to a point. When his original post was about a resume he received that was not up to par and then his follow up post chides people for correcting grammar, I feel inclined to call . I realize I am comparing a resume he received and a post made on an internet forum but if he is going to use that as his example and cite "misspelled words" as one of the issues....Do you get where I'm coming from? Honestly, it's a non-issue. I realize this. I just don't think he should call out the "grammar police" when he was doing the same thing.
  15. Nose hook them with a drop shot hook, light line and find rocks. Crawl them around SLOWLY. Try them on a screw lock jighead too. They are really soft and I think T-rigging them would tear your bait up fast.
  16. 8-) jj. ISN'T THIS FUN?! Hmmmm I could say lots, but will keep my mouth shut on this one, since there is internet grammar police around. Must not have been hugged enough as a kid.... or slapped, depends on how you look at it. The "Resume" section of BR is the place to have your grammar corrected. That's just how it is. Everyone around here knows if you put something in this section, be prepared for scrutiny. For you reference, I have highlighted an "is" that should be "are." Have a happy weekend.
  17. LOL, we fished Big Sandy last year during the flood. Talk about current where the cove met the main river channel!!! First, you had to watch for freaking huge trees and ISLANDS of floating debris. Next thing you had to contend with was going into the current. If you tried to run under the bridge there coming out of the back waters, it was like hitting a wall in that current. Pretty nuts. ;D LOL! You guys got to experience the most current ever release by Ky. Dam. That chit was bordering on white water. ;D
  18. LOL, we fished Big Sandy last year during the flood. Talk about current where the cove met the main river channel!!! First, you had to watch for freaking huge trees and ISLANDS of floating debris. Next thing you had to contend with was going into the current. If you tried to run under the bridge there coming out of the back waters, it was like hitting a wall in that current. Pretty nuts. ;D
  19. They came to the Bryce Jordan Center in State College a bunch of years ago. A friend of mine convinced me I should go see them. We got there early and I was having one HELL of a good time. Then the music started. :-X
  20. 31 Still can't believe 30 is the cutoff for Team Depends. ;D
  21. Sir Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter Last week, the wife and I went to see "The Rite." I will go on record as saying he is even more creepy in that movie that his Hannibal Lecter days.
  22. Primus, I won that exact rod last year. The split grip is well designed and feels well put together. As for your other questions, not sure what customizations they offer. Wish I could help more.
  23. PM sent. Not making fun.
  24. most likely sending my stuff there, but they haven't answered my e-mail. Uhhh, I would get it back. Do some homework on that guy, and get it to DVT Mike (our sponsor). Seriously. X2!!!!! He's banned from this site including about 4-5 other sites. He's nothing but BAD NEWS! Ya'll aint refering to reel mech. are ya? Haven't heard of reel medic before. Different guy. Remind me at the Road Trip and I will fill you in on the Reel Medic (BassHunter69).
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