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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. I just fish, man.
  2. Hardgill then, for sure. Get a SS as it is the most versatile, male pattern is my favorite. SS bait weighs 1.95oz so you might be ok with that rod, never hurts to have more rod than you need. I checked TW and they also have the floating baby Hardgill in a male floater. While I have not thrown this bait, I'm sure it would work for you. If you got a floater (or a SS that you want to fish deeper), I typically will add a 1/8 or 1/4oz green pumpkin tungsten weight to the line ahead of the bait. This will do two things for you. If you want to fish on a straight retrieve, the weight will snug up against the nose and is barely noticeable. If you want to fish the bait erratically, the little weight will drop away from the bluegill's face and when you pick up the slack it appears that the bluegill is chasing a small meal. Pretty cool when you learn to do it correctly. You can also order directly from Mattlures website as he does the free shipping also. Kent, I still have the one you gave me. It gets more work in the spring when the chubby ladies are making beds
  3. I wish man, got a case of the newborn at home. LOL, it might be a while until I get back out there. As for the rod, it's a Low Down Customs Production rod, heavy action. I think I am allowed to post a link, if not I apologize to whoever deletes it. http://lowdowncustomrods.com/swimbaitrods/production/
  4. Also forgot to ask, what is the heaviest rod/reel combo you own? That would also influence what you should be buying if you are not looking to buy heavier equipment.
  5. If you have bass in there, you most certainly have some type of panfish. Biggest confidence bait I own and throw is the Mattlures Hardgill. It would help if you gave us your budget too. Hardgills, while expensive, are worth it IMO as they will last you as long as you don't break it off.
  6. Anyone been there lately? Wondering what water temps you might be seeing and if anyone is catching anything? Thanks fellas
  7. Here's my take (I know you'll appreciate this one LOL).... Just use all black. Should look the same at the surface as it does at the bottom.
  8. Mattlures Ultimate Bluegill. I would have said hardgill, but you wanted plastics.

    Stun Gun

  10. I get to take mine out this week. Cant wait. Nice fish Paul
  11. See, Francho gets it! Swimbaits don't work unless you live in California.
  12. I've done two Warrior Dashes the last two years. Heard the Mudder is no joke. Spartan Race is rough too.
  13. If the fish isn't going to commit the energy to eat a 5 inch hollow belly, going smaller on the swimbait is not going to do anything IMO. Maybe a smaller, different lure worked slower. MAYBE. Fish get big by using as little energy as possible to eat the biggest meal possible.
  14. Try a bigger bait
  15. Same with me. Fish jigs without rattles and tend to fish "inexpensive" jigs. Booyah Baby Boo gets tied on 99% of the time.
  16. Huh? Other than your truck getting messed with, I don't see what your issue is? Perhaps he was trying to just joke around with you and lighten you up. I mean, what else is there? If you think he did something, get some proof and confront him. Your story doesn't lead me to believe anything and, frankly, doesn't make much sense.
  17. Hell, I'd be adding Krystal Flash and all types of things to it. That thing would look like a disco ball coming through the water.
  18. Since you mentioned 1800, try PMing RedlineRobert. You won't find a better source of tequila information anywhere.
  19. Interesting. Might need to be a bit meatier through the body to get a 'ski to chase it. You're fishing a lot more clear water than I am. Ever split the tag end of that tubing to give it a forked tail look?
  20. Crankbaits I throw typically produce better when they eyes start falling off and the thing gets broken in. I say put one eye on it and call it (for all you Goonies fans): One-eyed Willy Maybe call it the Emperor Jig. (Largest scorpion)
  21. I agree they would likely hit that. Figure 8's are out of the question how I am fishing for these things unfortunately. Most of the time, the water is mid chest on me. Even if it were only knee-deep it would be tough.
  22. Been fishing this spot specifically for musky the last two years and just now getting them to show some interest. I've had a ton of follows this year but this is the first one I have hooked up with here. I've had them hit an 3:16 8" Freestyle trout and a 3:16 Rising son this year without getting hooked up. Most of the follows have come on the 3:16 OG Wake bait (matte bone color) cranked down, a High Power Herring ripped around grass clumps or a Born Again Armageddon (perch trout) cranked down.
  23. Got a finesse rig that I throw in one particular lake. If it doesnt have a red hook and the tail dipped in red JJ's, it doesnt get bit. All other combos of this rig have been tried including other JJ's colors on the same day under the same conditions. That being said, it's the only time I employ red hooks.
  24. It's a wakebait. Mostly, what do the fish see when they eat it? The bottom. Paint jobs on waking baits are over rated. Get two, spray paint one black and one white. You'll be set most places in the country.
  25. Got some big hampters in RI?
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