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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. If you're using a regular drip and running it through a filter, try using two filters instead of one. Keeps the water in the coffee for a longer period. Just a thought to save you from the "burnt" taste and also plugging up your coffee pot.
  2. Matt Peters, website is Southernswimbait.com and STE on Facebook. I never could get into a punker bite. Seen lots of guys catch a lot of fish but just can't seem to get into it. I walked the hell out of those things when I had 'em too. LOL
  3. Here's another suggestion to try if you enjoy fishing the upper water column. It will swim, pop and do all kinds of little tricks. Not so heavy that you need specialized gear either. Smallmouth love 'em. http://www.316lurecompany.com/baits/booger.html
  4. The different departments of Gander are determined by previous sales. If fishing sales are down in your area, they expand the departments that are making the store money. I know it sucks, but that is how a large outdoor retailer works.
  5. Some good replies there from a couple fellas that can catch BASS.
  6. Well, once age catches up to me I may see it the same way. Until then, I'll swing the big stick. Thanks.
  7. The one in my avatar was caught in Pennsylvania last year on a 10 inch, 3.5 oz bait. Don't let geographic location dictate how big a fish will eat a swimbait. Bass have large mouths (lol, hence their name) and even the 2-3lb fish will easily eat a full sized swimbait. In the end, they will help up your chances of catching larger than average fish.
  8. S&W M&P 9 full size on order right now. I am a fan of the XD as well. For a cheap "beater" pistol that has served me well through many 45 rounds, the Taurus Millenium Pro 145 is tough to beat.
  9. If going with Mike, instead of your infundibulum generator might I recommend an Automated External Defibrillator. You know how those old folks are.....
  10. I've been known to throw a PB Rat or three. LOL
  11. 'Tis my buzzbait dream to have a 1/2oz Cavitron. LOL
  12. Don't give Bobby any reasons to put the goop on his palms. LMAO
  13. Yeah, but it is a big contributor to chapped thumbs.
  14. I did, the one in my avatar.
  15. If you fish big soft plastic swimbaits (or soft plastic conventional stuff) and don't use Megastrike they you are doing yourself a disservice and likely costing yourself money. Helps keep bass teeth from biting right into the plastic as it lubes the bait.
  16. BassStar Dredger will fish as deep as you want it to.
  17. Smallmouth are especially hard to guess from a pic typically. Nice fish and a scale really doesn't add very much weight at all.
  18. I dont want that, I want a 1/2oz cavitron. LOL
  19. Surely you jest. The discussion of bacon involves neither horseshoes nor hand grenades. Close enough doesn't exist.
  20. John, weak. I see no bacon.
  21. So largemouth have an easier time eating them. LOL
  22. Bobby, I know a while back a couple of us were bugging you for a 1/2oz Cavitron. Has that ever come to be?
  23. Well, that was a "different" read. I agree.....You is crazy.
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