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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Lucked into 15 of them last night. Anyone else having trouble finding them yet?
  2. Free beer is never bad. Complimentary Keystones sounds like a good sales pitch for a large crowd.
  3. If you are into flipping/pitching instead of just straight swimming a bait, consider the 3:16 4" Mission Fish. Comes with your hook and everything ready to go.
  4. I was going to suggest the keel weighted hook idea also. Maybe try drop shotting it? It will give you a little different pull on the bait and change the angle the weight meets up with the rocks. Just a thought.
  5. XD9 sub too big to carry? Surely you jest....
  6. Dwight? Celebrity? I'll make sure to bring my autograph book to Erie next time. LOL Good times.
  7. That is crazy cool.
  8. Well, good luck man. Keep your head down. LOL
  9. Out-of-staters welcome? It's a long shot but I might be able to make it. Fished with Soccplayer before. I bring entirely too much stuff and I throw really big baits. LOL
  10. I just downloaded the free software from GoPro and use that to make clips. I don't add music or anything fancy to it, so not sure what the capabilities are with regards to that. Also found out that if you are using Internet Explorer for your browser, Youtube will not let you load the file. I had to download Chrome to upload MP4s to YT the other day.
  11. If you are talking about bed fishing, it's hard to beat a Mattlures Bluegill or his U2 Bluegill. If just casting for pre-spawners, tough to beat a slow rolled Hardgill if you are looking for size.
  12. Honestly man, I'd just go fishing. You'll have the woods and water to yourself for the most part for most of the year. Stick with the hat idea, be mindful if you are getting whistled at and share the woods. Good policies.
  13. Shopping at the wrong stores there Cheech. They sell it out of the back of the pet store around here. Really hush-hush, but you guys seem pretty cool so I thought I'd tell you. LMAO
  14. I'm sure they'll love to hear that you are from the Joisy shore.
  15. I had the Mend It before it came in a glass jar and it evaporated on me. The newer mend it product comes in a jar now. I like the fact that 3:16 glue comes in a glass jar, has an applicator brush and only costs 5 bucks.
  16. You could probably just get away with wearing a fluorescent orange hat while fishing. Honestly, any time that there is a firearms hunting season in full swing and I'm not on private property, I would check to see what the minimum required amount of orange clothing is and wear that while walking at least. In PA, it is 250 square inches while hunting.
  17. CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, BANG. CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, BANG. Amish drive by. Dont mess with the black hats and bonnets.
  18. Hogue Overmold perhaps?
  19. Confidence in the firearm you are shooting cannot be understated. Same as fishing equipment/lures, but with much more important consequences.
  20. What's not too expensive, just for reference? Speaking from experience, you will save money in the long run by buying QUALITY equipment from the get go. IMO, you dont have to spend a ton to get quality but money will certainly buy you more comfort. That being said, he would be well served with a 300 Shimano Cardiff (301 if left-handed) and the Okuma Swimbait rods. Whole combo will set him back around 160 if he looks hard for sales or lightly used equipment. It only gets more expensive from there, but that is where a lot of guys start for rod/reel combos.
  21. I'm too fat to ice fish.
  22. I am a fan of 9mm and would carry one without hesitation. That being said, I CC a 45. Why you ask? Because they dont make a 46
  23. If you want the effect of your jig coming through the weeds cleanly, I think you would benefit more from using Megastrike as opposed to the KVD for this purpose. Added bonus of a little scent on your jig.
  24. Not actually a swimbait, but definitely swimbait related... Get yourself some good glue. I prefer the 3:16 glue but have used Mend It as well. Not a fan of Pro's Glue as it makes the bait crispy when dry. Also don't like the Huddlebond due to the container it comes in.
  25. I had one. It was the first pistol I bought when I turned 21. I had quite a few instances of stove piping and FTF using both practice ammo and the "real" stuff. As others have mentioned, save up for something more reliable. I've had good experiences with my Taurus pistols. I have a PT140 (wife's), a PT145 (mine) and a TCP PT 738 (pocket gun). They really like to eat up the WInchester PDX1 Defender rounds which are a great protection option.
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