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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Wow, using that map provided above it's only a two hour drive for me. Also didnt realize it was so close to the Quan (fished it with Soccplayer07). I'm likely good to come down, just need someone to tell me EXACTLY what license I would need. You guys have all those goofy permits and what not, I got confused during that part of this thread. LOL
  2. Look up a couple posts from my original. He's a member here, posted on this topic. Watch what he talks about, you'll learn some stuff.
  3. http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/01/eastern_sports_and_outdoor_sho_2.html#incart_river Show to be postponed after nearly all exhibitors boycott decision to not allow the display of AR type rifles. List of vendors: http://www.yorkdispatch.com/breaking/ci_22425983/list-vendors-personalities-boycotting-eastern-sports-and-outdoors
  4. The number of tippy canoes recently is appalling. We should ban canoes.
  5. If you are doing clips that you are going to splice together later and you don't want to surf through a whole day of fishing, you can try what I do. If I catch a fish worth putting out there for people to see, I'll land it, unhook it, show it to the camera, etc. At that point, I will stop the video and re-start the video. That way, when you get home you will be loading a couple (bunch) of smaller clips and at the end of each "important" one will be the fish you want to put in the vid. Sounds very rudimentary, but it's effective.
  6. The best information in the thread also happens to be the shortest answer. Call the store location you applied to work at, ask for a manager in the department you applied for and they will let you know if your application has been received. Not all GM locations have employees without a clue. I've been to Bass Pro, Cabela's and Dick's and they all had their fair share of completely clueless employees.
  7. Credit card w/ rewards points for everything that will accept it without tacking on and additional fee. I only use it for things that I have the cash for, but try and make it work for me. In all the time I have had a credit card, I have yet to pay a single cent in interest fees. Ever.
  8. If you want to catch bigger bass, there aren't many better places to start learning about trophy bass behavior. WRB is another great source.
  9. Fracho, the SX3 has a magazine cap of 5 (unless you buy the extended tube )LOL
  10. What do you want to learn?
  11. You want to go on Sunday? I think a buddy and I are going to drive down.
  12. What time does the flea market open up on Saturday and Sunday?
  13. I got up to 900 (give or take) before it went completely bare around here. Also grabbed up 2k 9mm rounds, smokin' deal @ $170 for each 1k.
  14. LOL, for the record they are not allowed to be sold on ebay. Got my hand slapped for trying last night.
  15. So, how do I know the person who posted this isn't some dude jackin' your BR name and telling us to not open emails? Hmmmm? Maybe those emails have important info in them like "Some guy is pretending to be me on BR so don't listen to anything he says." I'm torn, I'm just torn....LOL
  16. Is this the address? 7313 Sharpsburg Pike Boonsboro MD 21713-2431
  17. (In wicked witch's voice) "And your little dog too Brian Needham!"
  18. In order to exist up here and succeed like that, you really do need to come correct with a beard.
  19. I may very well take you up on that offer some day. Franchot, if your scenario ever happens I'll be in the car half-way there. LOL
  20. They let you shoot stuff and let it lay? I thought that was called wanton waste? Also didnt know that you could shoot rabbits at night with a light?
  21. I'm not sure Aaron. It's been a while since I have seen him advertising.
  22. 44 mag without, BPS with.
  23. I agree, either of those guys would be fun to fish with for a day. I'll add Matt from Mattlures or you too Chris (I know you like to fish alone, but I'd like to see your Hudd fishing).
  24. Never used the pole retrievers but have heard good results from guys who have. I have the 44 mag lure retriever and the BPS one as a backup. If you can find one, that 44 mag is a beast at getting lures back. Paid for itself a bunch of times with the swimbaits already.
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