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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. You've got my number. Just got to get your butt up to PA this spring/summer. LOL
  2. LOL, you scare me sometimes.
  3. The lake is dry but the fish didn't just vanish brotha.
  4. Effective, but really sucks if you lack the absolute greatest patience. I know I can't do it, at least not as slowly as he describes.
  5. Cabin fever has me irritated. Getting antsy.
  6. Thanks for the vote of confidence Dwight.
  7. Ya never know. I live about three miles from where the current state record was caught (albeit in 1983). Guess anything's possible though.
  8. LOL, yeah that was a pretty good one.
  9. Forgot this one....
  10. PA's got DD's in it. I know I have seen one legit 10 swimming. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. I'll settle for these though...
  11. Grew up fishing the limestone streams of Central PA. Very good place to learn. Can be rewarding, confusing and humbling all in the same day. LOL That's probably why I didnt pick up bass fishing until I moved to South Central PA.
  12. I have a harder time believing in 10lb PA bass than I do catching them on Powerbait, Seriously. Texas state record is 18 and change, caught on a dang crappie jig. LOL
  13. Perfect examples of this flawed reporting system: 2008 - Largest fish (caught by guess who) is 3/4" shorter length and 3/4" shorter girth and yet weighs almost a pound more than fish #2? Doubt it. 2009 - 10lb fish is #1 in the state. Length? 15 inches. I would love to see a 15" fish that weighed 10lbs. It would completely redefine the bass term "football".
  14. Disregard, the fish I saw apparently came from another lake in PA. Bottom line with the guy on the list, no pic = no fish.
  15. Was getting down the list a bit far so, Happy Wednesday!
  16. Still scarce around here. Never seen a .22 shortage, ever.
  17. Just to help your confidence with bait size.... The two big ones in focus are both 10 inches long and weigh around 7oz.
  18. I saw a pic of that fish (I believe) on another forum. Give me a minute. Not even close to the claimed weight.
  19. I have done it in the past on my rods I take to the river with me when I'm wading for smallmouth. Just a reference for the bigger ones. We usually made a mark around 18 inches.
  20. Not even in the remote vicinity of being close to too big.
  21. I like to fish what other guys are catching fish on, especially if those guys are NOWHERE NEAR ME. I try to take what I see them doing and apply the baits to my area. Whether that be working it differently, changing color, upsizing, downsizing, whatever. I really like to throw stuff that most guys, especially around here, think "that won't work here." Perfect example: Swimbaits. The walls are coming down somewhat, but the reaction you get to these things is typically either "Are you fishing for sharks" or "This aint California." Never fails.
  22. Ease up on the "retarded" stuff lest ye look any more ignorant.
  23. Coming from you, "logical" is very impressive. LOL Can't wait to slather up my new Rapala cranks with Megastrike. haha (kidding, obviously)
  24. How do you fool so many people into thinking megastrike works? Congrast brotha.
  25. The pike around here seem to love my High Power Herring swimbaits. Nice thing is the finish on them is so hard, it's not an issue with the teeth digging in. All hooks.
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