Actually, if you have the GoPro and want to use that then you should get the Motosports suction mount and put it on the cowling of the motor. I'm a little leary of it falling off, but I've heard reports of the Motosport suction cup being used on the wing of a bi-plane going over 200mph (can't officially endorse the activity as the FAA says that it's a no-no ), so unless those Mexican fellas have 1000hp motors on those boats I think you would be fine that way. I've also seen something that said during testing, the GoPro staff used the suction mount to pull a dent out of a staffer's car. LOL
I still recommend the Gorilla pod though as you can make a tripod out of it or wrap it around something in the boat. Very handy little guy.
Both are very good things to have.