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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Brother Dwight, if you put 10 in the boat at Erie that weighed 81 and change......well, your wife may wonder who the big bearded fella is that's sleeping in the boat all summer. LOL
  2. If I'm out fun fishing and catching a bunch, I'll tend to share info with someone I feel might be less experienced or a guy/gal who is out fishing with his/her kids. If I'm on a big bite, that's when the BS answers come out. Honestly, I dont have to worry about too many PA guys burning my swimbait bite.
  3. I'll play. 11-3 for PA, let's do this!
  4. Doesnt matter if it's approved trout water in that part of the state. Montgomery County's first day of trout is this Saturday, 3/30.
  5. Luckily, only ever caught a hook deep when I was fly fishing. Those little hooks are easy to pop out. Watched a buddy bury a 4/0 gammy EWG into the joint of his thumb. To this day, I can remember the sickening sound of it popping back out and how he immediately turned whiter than any person I have ever seen. LOL
  6. No smallmouth in Erie. Move along, nothing to see here.....LOL
  7. Please elaborate on this rule... 3 A rigs linked together with 5 single hooked baits is acceptable? Sounds like a challenge!
  8. Can't stop thinking about it.....Must....do....work....
  9. Yep, no more than three hooks total in PA. Talked to an old fella at a seminar once, he makes BIG musky lures. Said he had a bait with four hanging trebles and had a fish warden politely inform him that it was illegal to have the 4th hook on the bait.
  10. ACR or SCAR? Can't really tell.
  11. Oh, I know. Unfortunately.
  12. I can see it being damaged by engaging the thumbar before the spool has stopped but not solely by throwing a heavier bait. I know just a bit about throwing heavy baits. Just a bit.
  13. Later in the day, say in a late spring/summer pattern from 3pm until just before dark then about an hour after dark when the fish have transitioned to nighttime feeding.
  14. We'll get something figured out. I have a GoPro too.
  15. Jerkbaits as slow and deep as you can stand to fish them. I'd look for rocks in the sun and your NW banks are going to have the most light on them for the longest period of the day.
  16. Actually, if you have the GoPro and want to use that then you should get the Motosports suction mount and put it on the cowling of the motor. I'm a little leary of it falling off, but I've heard reports of the Motosport suction cup being used on the wing of a bi-plane going over 200mph (can't officially endorse the activity as the FAA says that it's a no-no ), so unless those Mexican fellas have 1000hp motors on those boats I think you would be fine that way. I've also seen something that said during testing, the GoPro staff used the suction mount to pull a dent out of a staffer's car. LOL I still recommend the Gorilla pod though as you can make a tripod out of it or wrap it around something in the boat. Very handy little guy. Both are very good things to have.
  17. On the occasions I have used the rig, I threw it on an STX-L with 65lb braid without any problems. Anything above 2.5oz and I would probably switch it to my 301 Curado or Lexa 300L
  18. A war cry for irresponsible youth. "You Only Live Once" It sounds nice and somewhat rebellious but seeing as though I am now a card-carrying member of Team Depends, it's merely sounds like an excuse for poor choices.
  19. I'd like to start a motion that any YOLO references are treated with the same regard as NAFC, Banjo Minnow and "How do I use a senko?" questions/comments.....
  20. Gorilla Pods are your friend when you aren't in your own boat. Started saving, anxiously anticipating info on the next one.
  21. That's about as big of a production swimbait as you are EVER going to see. The only thing that even gets close to the mass of that thing that went to production is probably the OG 10" Freestyle.
  22. I'm a HUGE KVD L&L fan. Adding to The Rooster's post, you can also use it to clean the screen of your electronics and your sunglasses.
  23. Well, they got more snow and cold rain today. Weather pattern looks to be a bit more sun this week, you'll probably find some water in the low 40's but I wouldnt expect much warmer temps than that.
  24. Now you're thinkin'....
  25. I've seen them I believe. Reminds me of a Trigger X bait.
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